Saturday, November 14, 2009

Podcasting-Thinking About It?

Podcasting-Thinking About It?

Some may have heard the word "podcast" and not know what it is, or some know what it is and don't know what you need to do or have to do to get started using it. And, most importantly, some wonder if it can be used with their business or niche website or blog? Let's begin with a simple definition.

Podcasting in it's simplest form, is an audio file through the Internet-aka Radio Show. However, it also can include video podcasting and streaming video (make sure your web hosting service supports this method.

I'm sure you've widely seen and heard them through news networks and maybe on political sites. And many may assume, that this is the only type of site that can use a podcast. Not true.

A podcast can be used for most any business or niche website or blog? Not only can it draw traffic to your site, it can make you money if you grow a following of listeners. It's uses is only limited by your imagination. I've included the information about Podcasting on my website at:

Podcasting Overview -- Describes what podcasting is and how you can use it in your business and how to make money using a podcast.

Mechanics of Podcasting - Describes what you need to get started podcasting.

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