Wednesday, November 18, 2009

google caffeine coming soon

As I (and many other top SEO/SEM blogs) have been reporting since mid-August, the big “Google Caffeine” major algorithm update is coming very soon. According to Matt Cutts (Google’s Head of Web Spam Department), the major Google Caffeine update will take place after the holiday season. To read Matt Cutt’s blog post about the Google Caffeine update, please visit the following link:

In case you are interested, Mashable did an analysis of possible changes that might be part of the update back in August here:

Here is a very interesting video at the last Search Engine Strategies conference show with Matt Cutts about the Google Caffeine update:

Also, here is more talk from around the web about what might happen:,2817,2355684,00.asp

So it looks like we are all in for some changes together. From my experience from the last 2 major Google algorithm updates (2003 and 2005/2006) I always recommend to not panic and expect major fluctuations of the Google search engine result/rankings for your website. Since this is new for everyone in the SEO world, I recommend remaining patient and to continue marketing your website and business in a white hat manner and long term you should be just fine.

Of course, I will keep you updated (as everyone will in the SEO industry) with any major updates, roll outs, etc.

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