Friday, March 2, 2007

What is Content?

Content -- sometimes it's hard to know what is good content and what is bad content. There are times you think you are doing the right thing --and find that it was wrong. Recovery then takes time -- which means lost revenue and major frustration on your part. It takes time to write quality content or find quality content for the search engines. Even though content is one part of the mix for an online website -- it still is important. There is so much that goes into the content of a page, that for me, it is still a "learning while doing process".

Thus, here is a quick read -- to understanding content--and how or where to get it.

Content Explained
By Vickie J. Scanlon

What is content? Simple question. Right? But when you’re not sure if you have the right type of content the search engines are looking for – it’s a perplexing question to say the least. So what is content and how do you get it?

Content Defined

First and foremost, content is the lifeblood of any website. Without it, your site would probably not see many visitors or search engine traffic-unless you are one of the lucky few who has the midas touch. But if you are like most, you need to build it the old fashion way—through hard work. So let’s begin by giving the definition to the word “content” from a visitor and a search engine perspective.

Content defined from a search engine slant: quality writing that weaves information around keyword and key phrases that is relevant to a web page description and theme; and which (keywords and keyword phases) are important enough for someone to do a keyword or keyword phase search through the search engines. (If the search engines can find you, people will too!)

Content defined from a visitor’s perspective: content is information that will answer a question, solve a problem or inform.

So with content defined from a search engine and visitor perspective – how do you get the info?

Getting Quality Content
There are different ways to get content. As always, there is a right way and a wrong way. The right way includes:

1) Writing original articles -- you can write original articles and submit them to the different free-reprint directories to get your tag line out to the masses. With original copy, you will be feeding the search engines and visitors with quality information. And let me add, the original copy should be directed toward your target market. For example, if your website is about shoes and you write an article about dogs, you may have missed your target market.

Granted, I know that will probably create duplicate content, you are still getting your tag line out to the masses. You will be gaining exposure and bringing targeted visitors to your website, as well as, creating a one-way link, which is important in the marketing of your website.

2) Write original content that is not submitted to the free directories, but remain on your site for people to view. This information is your true original copy that you share with no one else. The search engines will love you.

3) Original content that is contributed freely by your visitors--through say, a message boards or forum.

4) You can search for quality articles from article directories – again, be aware of the ratio of original to duplicate copy you have on your site. Need to keep a healthy balance.

What to avoid

Too much duplicate content. If you have no original content, only free reprint articles, you will not see a very high ranking for your site, in fact, you might even see a fluctuation in page rank.

With that being said, remember, search engines are gobbling monsters for original content; give it too them, and you will be rewarded.

Content and Updating

If you want the search engines to come visit your site, you need to update your content on a regular basis. At the least -- on a monthly basis. Not only does it encourage search engine visits, but possible new and return visitors.

To conclude, don't take your content for granted. Your content is, like I said in the beginning, your life-blood to success or failure on the Internet.

Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at: My Affiliate Place for free tools, articles,ebooks, how to info, affiliate opportunities, travel and tech accessories,software and computers for the online business. Or check her blog – My Affiliate Place Blog .

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