Thursday, July 31, 2008
E que a minha loucura seja perdoada, porque metade de mim é amor...
e a outra metade... também!
Bendito seja aquele que deu significado aos nomes!
"Natália: Latim, Natalis, dia natalício. Só consegue amadurecer depois de muito lutar para chegar a um equilíbrio entre a razão e o coração. Por isso muitas vezes é vista como uma pessoa inconstante. É fiel e exige que seja tratada com deferência."
Monday, July 28, 2008
Context Linking
By Vickie J. Scanlon
Contextual linking helps to improve your ranking with the search engines. So what is it, and how do you go about using it.
Contextual Linking- Html
Contextual linking is the use of “html urls” within the body of your copy to direct not only your traffic, but to also entice the search engines to index your pages.
How do you go about doing it? I’ll explain using html, java script, and dynamic links as possible contextual links.
HTML is easy for the search engines, and they will not blurb or run from html.
Java script will give you no advantage with the search engines-it will not be indexed. It does not mean you cannot use Java Script, it just means to use little or no Java Script around something that you want the search engines to index.
Dynamic links-many search engines have a problem with-and will shy away from if it is to “dynamic for the search engines health”. In other words, if the bot feels that danger is ahead, it will back out of your web page, and, possible not index anything from that point further. Scary cat! But then again, who wants a crashed bot?
Keywords and your Url
Keywords as always is important. And the important keyword(s) should be used within your urls. What constitute an important keyword? It is the keyword that identifies the web page and it’s topic. So always keep it in mind when you are writing. As I always say, write first, and incorporate your important keywords into the copy afterward. Why? Never try to decrease the flow of the words or your thoughts just for keywords.
Your context – mean what you say, and say what you mean.
To conclude, if the search engines cannot figure out what the context of your web page or url means – then that will be abundantly clear when it is indexed.
One day, one room...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
AdSense Referrals-More Information
Since Google last update on the retiring of Adsense referral ads were a little incomplete-they have followed up with another update to answer the question most important to all-will I get paid.
Some questions were answered regarding the referral programs.
All referrals will be retired. This applies to referrals for Adwords advertisers, as well as, for Google products.
What's the deadline for creating referrals?
If a sale was created with the referral, the action has to have been completed by the end of September. However, your referral units on your site will no longer display after August 2008. (Translated, you will have a 30 day window to receive credit for any referral conversions).
One final note: Adsense content and Adsense research will remain unchanged.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Blueberry season
It's purple tongue time! The Willamette Valley is a great location for growing all kinds of berries and fruit, and there are several farms near Corvallis that grow blueberries. Blueberry Meadows, on Hwy 20 a few miles northeast of Corvallis, is open for U-pick seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. They sometimes run out of berries before 7, so if you're coming late in the day, call ahead. (541) 753-2614
If you are at Blueberry Meadows, you might also want to check out Davis Family Farm, also on Hwy 20 and just a bit farther toward Albany. They don't grow their own blueberries but they carry blueberries and other varieties of berries, plus apricots, peaches, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, and other produce, much of which is from their own farm. (541) 752-0697
Radke's Blueberries, located south of Corvallis off Hwy 99 on Three Mile Ave, will be open for U-pick starting Monday, July 21, and expect to have picked berries available by the following weekend. (541) 753-5680
The Oregon Blueberries website has a list of these and other blueberry farms in the area, with addresses and contact information. Another great online resource is the Pick Your Own page for the "Salem area," which includes the mid-Willamette Valley from Yamhill County down to Linn County, along with the central Oregon coast. In addition to U-pick farm & orchard listings, they have lots of recipes and instructions for freezing, canning and drying fruit.
Blueberry season
It's purple tongue time! The Willamette Valley is a great location for growing all kinds of berries and fruit, and there are several farms near Corvallis that grow blueberries. Blueberry Meadows, on Hwy 20 a few miles northeast of Corvallis, is open for U-pick seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. They sometimes run out of berries before 7, so if you're coming late in the day, call ahead. (541) 753-2614
If you are at Blueberry Meadows, you might also want to check out Davis Family Farm, also on Hwy 20 and just a bit farther toward Albany. They don't grow their own blueberries but they carry blueberries and other varieties of berries, plus apricots, peaches, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, and other produce, much of which is from their own farm. (541) 752-0697
Radke's Blueberries, located south of Corvallis off Hwy 99 on Three Mile Ave, will be open for U-pick starting Monday, July 21, and expect to have picked berries available by the following weekend. (541) 753-5680
The Oregon Blueberries website has a list of these and other blueberry farms in the area, with addresses and contact information. Another great online resource is the Pick Your Own page for the "Salem area," which includes the mid-Willamette Valley from Yamhill County down to Linn County, along with the central Oregon coast. In addition to U-pick farm & orchard listings, they have lots of recipes and instructions for freezing, canning and drying fruit.
Monday, July 14, 2008
"Às vezes o que eu vejo quase ninguém vê..."
Quantas vezes você já viu o sol nascer?
Quantas vezes você quis não ter nada para fazer?
Quantos lugares você visitou mas sequer consegue lembrar o chão em que pisou?
Quantas flores você já esperou desabrochar?
Quantas luas diferentes você já viu crescer?
Quantas vezes a realidade não foi o bastante?
Quantas vezes você achou que não podia confiar em ninguém e esqueceu de si mesmo?
Quantas vezes você sentiu que carregava o mundo nas costas?
Quantas vezes não arriscou com medo da derrota?
Quanto de você mesmo você já perdeu por não admitir errar?
Quantas vezes você deixou de sorrir por temer chorar?
Quantos objetos você levou para consertar mas nunca se consertou?
Quantas vezes você quis e deixou de fazer?
Quantas vezes você vacilou por não saber como você realmente era?
Quantas vezes você cometeu o mesmo erro por esquecer o que aprendeu?
Quantas vezes você quis chorar com alguém, mas ninguém esteve lá?
A maioria das pessoas se conforma em apenas existir, já que viver não é a tarefa mais simples. Porém, ser simples é mais do que existir: é viver para buscar a alegria nos detalhes e no brilho do que esquecemos na rotina. O mundo não é e nunca será como desejamos, mas a beleza das nossas memórias e dos nossos atos, somente nós poderemos construir. Se quer uma vida mais simples, comece a ser mais simples. Se quer lembranças boas, comece a fazer coisas boas. Nós somos mais do que as nossas ações e palavras, somos o que sentimos e pensamos. A humanidade nunca foi tão desumana, mas desistir agora é desistir de si mesmo.
Coisas da vida...
Meus minutos de sanidade insana.
Meu paradoxo se completa.
Vou ver se coloco uma das minhas fotos malucas no próximo post ;)
Beijoooo especial pra minha mãe, pro meu paai, pra minha vó, pras minhas amigas lindas e pro meu namorado lindo.
[Alguém lê meu blog??! Oo']
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Your History and the Search Engines
By Vickie J. Scanlon
You create a history with search engines, through your Domain and Website. What do I mean?
Website-Trust Me
If you are a new site, you are asking the search engines to trust you on blind faith. It’s like having a complete stranger come up to you with a plea that you give him/her $100 with the payback option of –“Trust Me, I’ll pay you back”; Would you believe him? I wouldn’t. Translated, you cannot develop trust within a moment’s time-and that is true with a website.
Your website, if it has been around for a while, will have a history. This is what you want. Why? Because with a history-the search engines gain a greater degree of trust, thus, helping with quicker indexing of your pages.
How To Build Trust
If you are a new site, you will need to gain trust. How?
You need a history for both your domain/web pages. And history is gained through time by:
1. Building Quality Web Pages
2. Your Back Links
3. Your Traffic
Sitemap and Trust
But there is another important factor that is needed to improve the indexing of your web pages. It’s called a sitemap. It’s not just the visual sitemap, but also the site map that is used specifically for and by the search engines.
The sitemap helps the search engine to identify you, your website, and the content on your site. If they understand your site, you will have better placement in the search engines.
To conclude, history is important to the search engines, your website’s future, and your bottom line. Work on your website history, and your website future will improve.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Self Scientific - Of Our Own - BlokHeadz Video
We went to college with the Mad Twinz the brothers who are responsible for the incredible Urban Anime comicstrip, book and film..Blokheadz....They let us chop up some of their footage and create to create a visual counterpart to our first leaked song "Of Our Own" from our new album "Come in Peace, Prepare For War".
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Tuning Nagios Load Checks
The standard Nagios plugins include a "check_load" command which will raise a warning or error if the load averages for the target machine exceed some threshold. A little while ago the ops manager and I were discussing what those thresholds should be.
The usage for the check_load command is as follows:
Usage: check_load -w WLOAD1,WLOAD5,WLOAD15 -c CLOAD1,CLOAD5,CLOAD15
Without looking at the source I'm pretty sure that the program is either just opening a pipe to uptime or using the /dev/proc file system to read the load averages for the past 1, 5 and 15 minutes. Should be safe to assume then that Nagios' concept of load is exactly the same as uptime's and that the figures are ultimately is coming from the kernel scheduler. (Note: Yup. :-) Just checked the source.)So the first question is: what does "load" actually measure?
Unix and Linux Load
Breifly, when Unix machines report their "load" (usually through uptime, top or who) they are reporting a weighted average of the number of processes either running or waiting for the CPU (Linux will also count processes that may be blocked waiting on I/O). This average is calculated over 1, 5 and 15 minutes (hence the three values) based on values that are sampled every 5 seconds (on Linux at least). Dr Neil Gunther has written more than you might ever want to know about how those load averages are calculated and what they mean. It's an excellent series of articles (see also the inevitable Wikipedia article).So assuming we have a single-core CPU, a load value of "1.0" would suggest that the CPU has been 100% utilised over whatever reporting period that figure was calculated for. A load of "2.0" would mean that whenever one process had the CPU there was another that was forced to wait. However, if we have 2 cores, the same "2.0" load value would suggest that both processes got the CPU time they needed, while a load of "1.0" would suggest the CPU had only been at 50% capacity.
On a simple web server, running a single 2-core CPU a load average of "2.0, 1.0, 0.5" suggests that, over the last minute, the CPU has been 100% utilised; over the last 5 minutes it's been 50% utilised; and over the last 15 minutes, it's been 25% utilised. Halve those values if 4 cores are available and double them if only one is in the system.
You can see then that sensible threshold values for warning and critical states requires you to consider how many CPUs and CPU cores your system has. You're therefore probably going to want to set your thresholds per machine or at least set them differently for each different type of configuration.
For example, one of our Solaris boxes has 12 cores so a load of "6.0" is nothing to be concerned about. However that same load figure on another, single-core box might be worthy of a warning or even critical alert, depending on how sensitive we were to process queue lengths on that box. Except if that box is a Linux box with a lot of I/O and slow devices (like a tape drive) and is counting processes that are sitting idle and waiting for an I/O operation to finish. And what is the application running on it? Is it threaded? How is your kernel counting threads in that total -- or is it just counting processes?
Setting the Check_Load Thresholds
So determining an appropriate warning and critical set of threshold values for check_load will depend on what you think a reasonable process queue length will be; how your specific system treats threads; how your applications on that system behave (and their expected responsiveness levels); and how many CPUs / cores your system has. Oh -- and your performance targets or SLAs.This is why experienced admins use a time honoured, complicated heuristic process to set an initial value and then continually adjust that value based on the correlation of alerts raised and actual performance and hence user impact.
In other words: we rub our bellies and take a guess and then change the values if we get too many or too few alerts. We're experienced sysadmins -- how much time do you think we have? :-)
In our case, for web servers, we decided that over 5 and 15 minute periods we expect spare capacity on the box -- but we only want to be alerted if the box is basically maxing out on CPU over a significant period. Over 1 minute we expect the occasional spike and don't really want an alert unless it's way beyond expectations. We're using Apache with no threading so 1 load point = 1 process using or waiting for CPU.
We've set warning levels for 15 minute load average at number of CPU cores times 2 (plus one!). For 5 minutes increase the threshold by 5. For one minute, increase it by 5 again. Critical threshold starts at number of CPU cores times 4 and then follows the same pattern for the 5 and 1 minute warning.
Here's a sample nrpe.cfg config file for a web server with 2 cores:
command[check_load]=/path/check_load -w 15,10,5 -c 30,25,20
It's important to actually test this set up. Use ApacheBench or JMeter or similar tool to get your load average up and test performance under those thresholds to see if it's acceptable. If your application is unacceptably slow from a user perspective at lower load values then lower your thresholds.More Information
I've put together a little check_load cheat sheet that has some initial values for some common configurations. It might be a useful starting point if you're just starting to configure check_load in your Nagios environment.[Note: This post has been edited since initial publication.]
We don't have to say goodbye.
Faz 7 anos e eu sinto como se fosse hoje de manhã. Eu fui deixada lá.
Vai além disso... eu vejo todos aqueles rostos e percebo a enorme falta que eles me fazem.
O sentimento que eu mais odeio no mundo? A saudade.
"-Ele me pediu em casamento.
-Ele não foi o primeiro...
-Mas foi o primeiro que eu quis dizer sim."
Às vezes odeio o gosto amargo da vida que eu amo.
Eu te amo. Te amei ontem e vou te amar PARA SEMPRE. Este, eu sei que nunca vai acabar.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
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Friday, July 4, 2008
Sobre a vida...
"Parei de pensar e comecei a sentir"
É. É exatamente isso. Sentir a dor, a tristeza, o medo e alegria, a paz, o amor. Só isso faz ver as coisas como talvez elas devam ser vistas. Talvez isso seja viver - ou estar vivo.
O perigo de machucar uma pessoa é ela descobrir que, depois disso, ela pode - e vai! - sobreviver. Ela vai buscar uma forma de seguir em frente e, assim, encontrar motivos e motivações. Eu achei uma das minhas... Eu não vou mentir mais. Eu já me machuquei demais com as mentiras dos outros e não quero machucar as pessoas com que me importo dessa mesma forma.
Porque um dia alguém vai entender tudo o que existe em mim. Entender meus medos e chorar as minhas lágrimas. Andar não o meu caminho, mas andar ao meu lado. Respeitar todos os meus excessos. Meu excesso de sentimentos, de amor, de sonhos. Meu excesso de vida não vivida. Meu excesso de tempo que passou e falta do tempo que virá. Meu excesso de ser o que eu sou e até o que não quero ou posso ser. Meu excesso de falso egoísmo e meu excesso de saudade. O meu excesso de querer entender as pessoas enquanto ainda não consegui me entender por completo. Meu excesso de excessos. Contudo, excessos reais e excessos de alguém que ama e sente saudade de tudo que ainda não viu...
"Pra que sofrer se nada é pra sempre?"
Músicas mudam mentes... e mentes mudam vidas. Quem sabe vidas mudem o mundo? :)
Beijo pra quem me ama SEM MENTIRAS! ;*
Cisco VPN Software Breaks When Upgrading to Leopard

I recently upgraded my MacBook to OS X 10.5 ("Leopard"). By and large it's been a pretty painless experience except for the fact that the work issued Cisco VPN client often starts up with an error. The error says, in part "Unable to communicate with the VPN subsystem."
Googling around the suggested fix is to restart the Cisco kernel extension. The following terminal command takes care of things nicely:
$ sudo /System/Library/StartupItems/CiscoVPN/CiscoVPN restart
I'm running version 4.9.01 by the way.What the hell, here's a video of it if the command line is not where your heart truly lies.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
sAp ve quE, trAnh thU trAn trOi... truOc luc ra dI...
dưỡng sức vài hôm rùi ta lại tiếp tuc ra ga, lên tàu, ..., lên xe, về Cà Mau...
bi h mới thật sự bắt đầu nghỉ hè. Cả năm học vất vả đã đến lúc lật chương tiếp theo...
chào tạm biệt mọi người, các bạn lớp Toán.
Chúc tất cả một mùa hè
bb all!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Snoopware and Your Internet Experience
Snoopware and Your Internet Experience
How can snoopware affect your Internet experience? Be aware that maybe, just maybe, you may have “Snoopware” on your computer or your mobile units – for the purpose of keeping track of your activities. Let me explain.
Snoopware –Explained
Snoopware is software that offers spyware and keylogger activities. Can be used as follows:
· It can be used by corporations for the purpose of monitoring employee activities while on the computer.
· It can be used by parents to monitor there children activities
· Or by spouses to monitor their spouse’s activities online
· Can be used by hackers for keylogging (records your keystrokes) and spying
How Snoopware Works
Snoopware can be run undetected in stealth mode recording silently your keystrokes, as well as, spying on your activity online. Some programs will send an email of your activities to the individual doing the snooping-supplying them with information and/or screen shots of the pages you’re viewing. Translated, they do not have to be present to review the activity.
Working on the Internet opens you up to new challenges-good and bad. So the bottom line is simple-be aware and stay informed. And make sure you take the time to protect yourself while online.
Entry for July 01, 2008
Giữa lúc trời nắng to nhất, nó đứng lên (cao nhất), dõng dạc tuyên bố (to nhất): "TUI BI KHUNG" haha. Nó là Kon chuột đó!
học quân sự dị mà cứ như là đi chơi, dzui kin, hum nay mí đứa tụ lại chơi mấy trò đồng giao ở quê. Từ đó, sinh ra nhìu trò oái ăm...
trở lại
Kon chuột còn một tiếc mục nữa, mà theo các chuyên gia đánh giá là "vô tiền khoán hậu" - hun cây: Nó bĩu môi, nhăn nheo khi thấy vận xui rơi trúng tay, nó đứng lên, phủi phủi... rùi bước ra, tới cái cây... ở dưới ngồi nhìn lên mà cười bò =)) mất thui!
(xem hình ở trên í)
đấy là dấu ấn nhất - ngày quân sự hôm nay! hehe