These tiny sites also make it simple for you to check and promote assorted products. In some states, gross sales must be reported to the state and county for business licenses. affiliate programs are an excellent way to develop numerous streams of earnings. One thing more. Affiliate system
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Strong reasons to build your own Product Even If You Promote affiliate marketing programs. One thing more.
Official Sony PSP Go!
That doleful baying sound you're hearing? Sony releasing the hounds as all hell breaks loose. It seems someone just can't wait to collect unemployment, because these leaked high-res shots — ostensibly of Sony's unannounced but long rumored PSP makeover — look pretty darned convincing.
Of course that's what I said when I saw the Brachiosaurus in Jurassic Park.
Eurogamer: Someone's PSP GOing to Get Fired
Slightly predating the leaked shots: These new info bits, per a yanked (but resurrected) YouTube video of a Qore episode starring Sony Hardware Marketing Director John Koller.
- 16GB of internal memory, expandable memory slot.
- 43 percent lighter than the PSP-3000, making it roughly 108 grams. Nintendo's DSi weighs a comparatively chubby 214g.
- A smaller 3.8" screen (the PSP-3000's is 4.3"). The DSi's is 3.25".
- Bluetooth-capable.
- New games on deck, including Metal Gear Solid, Jak & Daxter, Gran Turismo, and LittleBigPlanet.
- No second analogue nub. Doh.
- Available this fall.
For more gaming news and opinion, point your tweet-readers at
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Saturday, May 30, 2009
New Next Generation iPhone Concept
Unlike the previous mock up this one pictures an iMac like bottom to the device. The black bezel only covers about 5/6ths of the phone and the earpiece is higher and wider just as depicted in the rumored bezel leak.
Which if any do you think is the most likely?
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Bye-bye Kindle, E-reader Screens Coming for Netbooks

Netbook makers will soon play a larger role in the e-reader market if start-up Pixel Qi has anything to say about it.
The company, founded by former One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) CTO Mary Lou Jepsen, will show off engineering samples of its first screen product at Computex Taipei 2009 next week, and IDG News Service was able to catch a first look on Friday.
The first Pixel Qi product, called 3qi, is a 10.1-inch netbook screen designed to work in three modes: a black-and-white e-ink mode for reading text documents and e-books, and two color modes, designed for use indoors or in bright sunlight, that are more suitable for Web surfing and video playback.
E-ink mode extends battery life by shutting off the backlight, and is intended for reading e-books, documents, Web sites or blogs and other text-based material.
The screens should be in netbooks and on store shelves by the end of this year, said Jepsen. Giving netbooks new screens capable of making them e-readers could make them compelling holiday presents, for price and functionality alone.
E-reader makers have reason to fear such innovation because people will be able to buy devices with more functions for about the same price. The latest Kindle, a stand-alone e-reader, costs US$359 according to, while some of the world's most popular netbooks with 10-inch screens, Asustek's Eee PC 1000HE and Acer's Aspire One AOD150-1165, are similarly priced.
New netbooks designed to include e-reader functions will likely have displays that can swivel around to cover the keyboard, a tablet mode good for an e-book reader, said John Ryan, chief operating officer at Pixel Qi.
Beyond the screen, netbook users will need e-reader software, which is already available from several companies, including Adobe Digital Editions, Microsoft Reader, Times Reader made from Adobe Air and even Kindle software made for other devices, such as the iPhone.
Power consumption is another issue Pixel Qi tackled in its 3qi screens.
"What you're looking at is a screen that's entirely reflective," said Ryan, at Pixel Qi's temporary office in Taipei. "It's just running like e-paper so that it's running on the ambient light. It's not fighting the office light , it's not fighting the sunlight. That makes it better for reading but it also cuts the power consumption. The backlight in the screen is typically the largest power drain in any notebook computer."
Battery life is vital in mobile devices such as netbooks. Once Pixel Qi screens are more widely adopted in the industry, the company plans to start working more closely with laptop and netbook designers on ways to lower power drain in the overall system, not just the screen.
The next major hurdle for Pixel Qi is finding large customers for its new 3qi screens.
The screens will cost a little more than conventional LCD screens at first, but costs will go down as production volume picks up, said Jepsen. Pixel Qi designed its screens around the most common technology and production line processes of the day, TFT-LCD (thin-film-transistor liquid crystal display) technology.
The company did not say which manufacturers it is working with, but there are several in Taiwan, including AU Optronics, Chi Mei Optoelectronics and Chunghwa Picture Tubes.
One bonus for Pixel Qi is that the global recession has hurt LCD demand, freeing up production lines for its new display.
But that's about the only benefit from this recession.
Steve Jobs Patent Hints at Tablet
Harry McCracken, writing for the Technologizer, examines the Apple patents which name Steve Jobs and observes that one key patent hasn't been produced.
Many different Apple patents have been unearthed by the blogosphere; however, McCracken notes that Jobs tends to show up on patents that show real Apple products.
There is one exception: it’s a 2004 filing for a touch tablet computer of some sort, credited to Jobs and fourteen others. Apple has released no such product to date, and the drawing at right is about as close as the filing gets to explaining how one might work. But in recent months, the world has pretty much decided that Apple is building a tablet for release this year or next. If it does–and there are still no guarantees–anyone who paid attention to this patent had the news first. Sort of.
McCracken also describes nine other patents which name Steve Jobs and have been more or less made a reality.
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Five No brainer Systems to Ramp Up your web Profits!
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Now, that you have that psychological liberty, take a little time out of your day to do a brainstorm on what you'ld have to do to gain your private and fiscal goals. You will be dazzled at the concepts a clear mind can churn out. Let as many folk know that you exist and make sure they knows about you on a constant basis. Don't follow the common mistake of most companies who wait for the clients to find them. Make it an essential daily task as it is the engine that drives literally each establishment. Remember, leads are the guts of any business. By removing barriers to accessibility and addressing these obstacles you open the door to new business and bigger success. Access by everybody without regard for incapacity is an essential aspect. "- Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director ( Web Accessibility Initiative ) the commonest obstacles facing many people are auditory and visible. This is a neat resource all about affiliate program software. In the US a new Bill has been proposed to legislate the web and enforce handicap accessibility standards for all regime related internet sites. While there's now no policy in place for the personal sector, the issue has supplied understanding and opportunity for each business to be more accessible. * Try changing your setting to quickly view your website in black and white. Who Else Runs A Flea Market? Watch out about lowering the costs on your major products. It reflects low confidence in your product and will be really deleterious to your business. Asking For The Sale And Getting It make a selling funnel that creates repot and builds a relationship with your customers over a period. Use the above five easy-as-peas methods to kick start your web selling business into success right away.
Crispian Lye awakened one morning and made a decision to give up his moneymaking job as a creative head with a Multi Countrywide Co. in search of liberty. One thing more.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Significant Online home enterprise Tools. One thing more.
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Ten Profit Boosting Tips To Increase The Success Of Your affiliate marketing programme. One more thing.
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To make your affiliate marketing program even more appealing to your visitors, pay residual commissions if you sell a service or product that your clients pay for on a continuing basis like webhosting or access to your personal members only site.
Provide your affiliates with resources that they can use to get more sales of your products like advertisements, banners, button adverts, and sample suggestions. Click the link If youd like info all about affiliate programs.
The majority of the really successful marketers have 3 competitive one other thing. Your associate partners need the maximum amount of your support and commitment as would any JV partners.
It delivers consistent sales for associates, by advertising products with high patron benefits.
10 ) A good program consistently tests new ideas to support and brace ties with associates and end consumers alike. Provide methods for your affiliates to network with one another.
You might supply a message board or bulletin board where your affiliates can engage with each other, and find out more about ways to successfully promote your products. Give special recognition to your top earning associates by giving them bonuses for the sales they bring you or by paying them a special higher commission based primarily on their performance.
This can give you a good way to extend their faithfulness to your program while providing your other affiliates with wonderful tips and systems for them to use to push your products. One thing more.
The way to Sell Thru Other Peoples' Articles. One thing more.
What you want to understand about Google's new AdWords affiliate policy.. One thing more.
A large amount of affiliates are selling other people's products with AdWords. Since Google now accept just one ad from a top domain, you actually have just two options : one. Hope your adverts have the best CTR, so Google choose your ad rather than all the other people selling the same product.
This really implies you've got to send two times as much visitors as before to make the same quantity of sales. What should a good landing page look like? At least it's got to list all of the benefits for the product you are pushing. When you have to send more visitors to your landing page, you can't afford to buy low-targeted traffic.
"The AdWords Junkie", Rolf Arne Trondhjem, has been selling goods on Adwords for a while. His new membership page is offering associates landing pages and complicated coaching in mastering the AdWords program. What will come up are either merchants with affiliate marketing programmes or content sites that are affiliates . Again, for the merchants, I could see whether I like their product and affiliate marketing programme. And I need fair compensation for delivering such valuable, presold consumers to my merchants' sites. One thing more.
Palm's Pre: More (and Less) Than an iPhone
It will be interesting to see how Apple reacts to news that Palm's Pre knows how to interact with iTunes. While not a business feature, iTunes support would make buying or switching to the Pre much easier for millions of the iTunes faithful.
Multitasking, another key feature of the Pre, may be a more difficult sell as customers may not understand what the ability to run multiple applications simultaneously gets them. Isn't task switching enough? Especially if you can already listen to music and read email at the same time?
Key to gaining acceptance will be excellent Pre demos showing users what the ability to run more than one application at a time can accomplish. This is fairly easy on a big-screen desktop PC, but on a tiny handheld out-of-sight has always meant out-of-mind for the user,
That could change as developers build applications--Android, Blackberry, Symbian, and Windows Mobile all support multitasking--that do or watch things in the background while only occasionally popping up a report to the user.
Multitasking is conspicuously absent in the iPhone 3.0 operating system, although there have been rumors that Apple is speeding the feature to market. iPhone 3.0 devices are expected to be announced within the next 90 days and the new OS will also be an upgrade to current models.
While the WebOS-based Pre will have a multitasking leg up on Apple at its June 6 introduction, Apple could knock another leg out from under the new smartphone even before the Pre launches.
The Pre gains iTunes compatibility by telling the desktop app that it is an iPhone that doesn't understand Apple's copy-protection. This allows the Pre to download content that isn't copy protected, including iTunes Plus and music that users have uploaded themselves.
Counting on Apple to continue offering a feature it doesn't really need, in this case the ability to not download copy-protected music that the iPhone can play but Pre cannot, seems risky.
Making Pre a less-than-adequate iTunes client probably doesn't work in the long run, but locking out other phones has always been Apple's policy. Will the Pre change that? Not if Apple sees value in kicking its new competitor in the knees.
Also, many users already have large collections of copy-protected iTunes songs, purchased from the Music Store, that the Pre is unlikely to ever be able to play.
In this battle of dueling features, Palm may have the stronger position, but shouldn't count on Apple helping its Pre trounce the iPhone.
How Palm Got the Pre to Sync With iTunes

Palm announced yesterday that its new phone, the Pre, will sync seamlessly with Apple iTunes. If you read the press release carefully you will note that Palm requires a specific version of iTunes.
(2) Compatible with iTunes 8.1.1 on Windows XP/Vista and Mac OS X version 10.3.9-10.5.7
This is because Palm has included iTunes functionality without cooperation or approval from Apple. Notice that Palm’s iTunes demo says “Syncing iPod” instead of “Syncing Pre”.
Jon Lech Johansen for explains how this would work:
So how is Palm doing this? It’s pretty simple, really. We’ll start with the most basic question that doesn’t even involve the Pre: To a PC, what’s the difference between an iPod and a Kingston memory stick? The iPod has a specific USB Vendor Id that identifies it as being an Apple product and a USB Product Id that identifies it as being a specific iPod model. In addition, the iPod’s filesystem has a specific folder and file structure. Modern iPods also respond to a custom USB command that returns an XML file with information about the device.
So how has Palm most likely enabled the Pre to sync directly with iTunes? By doing the following:
* When you select “Media Sync” on the Pre, it will switch its USB interface to use Apple’s Vendor Id and the Product Id for a specific iPod model
* The Pre exposes a filesystem through Mass Storage Class that mimics the structure of an iPod
* The Pre responds to Apple’s custom USB command and returns XML info about the device
Its likely that Apple will simply upgrade iTunes to distinguish between a Pre and an iPod and then block the Pre. This could still serve Palm well as they will receive additional press coverage and Apple could be perceived as the bad guy.
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Watch the Introduction of Google Wave
Google Wave is a new model for communication and collaboration on the web, coming later this year.
Wave Described By Google:
- A wave is equal parts conversation and document. People can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.
- A wave is shared. Any participant can reply anywhere in the message, edit the content and add participants at any point in the process. Then playback lets anyone rewind the wave to see who said what and when.
- A wave is live. With live transmission as you type, participants on a wave can have faster conversations, see edits and interact with extensions in real-time.
Watch Google introduce and explain Wave in the video below...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Apple Secretly Updates MacBook Screen

Apple has done a very quiet upgrade to the 13inch MacBook screen, according to a Computer World report.
Apparently at the end of April, Apple started shipping Unibody MacBooks with a new part number for the screen. The screen is said to be of significantly higher quality.
The old screen is a LGPhilips LP133WX2-TLC1 and has been replaced with a 13.3-inch glossy AU Optronics screen. According to forum reports the new screen provides significantly better blacks and a wider viewing angle before washout.
You can see a side by side comparison of the new screens below with the new MacBook on the left.
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Steve Ballmer Demos the Zune HD

The site has posted a gallery of their shots which picture the device, its OLED screen, and Balmer playing a Pixar movie.
Microsoft recently announced the Zune HD as its answer to the iPod touch.
"Zune HD is the first portable media player with built-in HD Radio receiver, HD video output capabilities, OLED touch screen, wi-fi and an internet browser."
The Zune HD is expected to ship in the fall of this year.
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Game-Changers: 10 Potentially Huge Technologies
The iPhone caused a tectonic shift in the tech landscape -- what else out there will change our lives?
They start as a mild tremor at first: rumors of an Apple Phone and rumblings about Web 2.0, whispers about touch interfaces and flash storage. Then, in what seems like an instant, there is a tectonic shift that shakes up an entire product category -- or even the industry as a whole.
When the iPhone was released in 2007, everyone knew it would be an important milestone as a touch device. Few predicted that it would be a game-changer in terms of defining the entire category of touch-based phones -- or that it would sell 50 million units and garner just over 1% of the worldwide smartphone market in a relatively short time.
There are other products out there that have the potential to be as (or more) significant as the iPhone. Here are 10 emerging technologies that are already causing a tremor and could ultimately become just as important.
1. Sensor technology
Sensor technology is a game-changer because it means any physical object -- a bridge, the loading dock at a warehouse, the clothes you wear or even your own skin -- can communicate with a network.
"Part of understanding the world is being able to instrument and measure it," says Rob Enderle, a consumer analyst. "Often we do things that we believe will help but may ultimately do more damage than good. For instance, the energy used by a hybrid car, and its environmental impact, may actually be worse than an efficient gas car if all factors are taken into account."
Hewlett-Packard is developing an early prototype called CeNSE (Central Nervous System for the Earth), which uses microscopic sensors to communicate situational awareness about a city ecosystem. For example, a sensor on a bridge could report unusual vibrations back to a central command and first responders. Sensors in a home could report high levels of mercury, lead or pesticides.
"I believe that sensing is the next Internet in terms of driving demand for computing and services," says Stan Williams, inventor of CeNSE and an HP senior fellow. "Very-low-cost and high-performance sensors are now becoming available. They will make possible real-time monitoring of our infrastructure to both optimize operations and prevent catastrophic failures, saving money and lives."
Qualcomm is also developing sensors as part of its Smart Services initiative, while a company called Kovio is developing wireless chips with circuits that can be "printed" like newspapers. The tags are about the size of a penny but can work with a mobile phone to interact with other objects, such as a movie poster on the wall of your teenager's room. The phone could give you information about the movie's schedule, for instance.
2. Smarter Web
Some call it the Semantic Web; others call it the Smarter Web. The idea is to more easily share complex knowledge you get from the Internet.
IBM Research has developed a Mozilla Firefox extension called CoScripter that is essentially a macro-recorder for the Web. For example, if you figure out how to upload, edit and share a photo, you can record those actions, reuse them and share them with other users. The scripts use common language formatting so they are easy to understand by nonprogrammers.
There have been applets that recorded a mouse's movements for years now. The difference is that CoScripter turns the movements into code that can be understood and edited by consumers. You can even share scripts -- called microformats -- on Facebook and other social networks.
Today, scripts relate to actions you perform on the Web, but they could be expanded to support video and audio. For example, a set of instructions could be embedded with a video that shows how to pitch a curve ball, or a script could include an audio commentary.
CoScripter is smart enough to understand changes that occur on the Web. If you capture a process such as signing up for a conference, CoScripter can store your name, address and other data. When you sign up for the same conference next year and find that the fields have changed, CoScripter can use the data it already has, and you can fill in just the new fields, saving time and easing frustration.
"The number of nodes on the Internet is exploding -- there are 4 billion cell phone subscribers, and the number of people accessing the Web is exploding," says Stefan Nusser, an IBM researcher. "We enable collaboration and capture of Web information and make it reusable."
Other companies working in this area include Yahoo and Google.
3. Network virtualization
Server virtualization is one of the most important game-changers of the past decade. The idea -- using one physical server for multiple instances or even types of an operating system -- has saved millions of dollars and has streamlined data center operations across the globe. Next up: network virtualization.
As an application makes a request, the network would be smart enough to meet that request with an appropriate level of storage and connectivity. Services could be housed and transmitted to and from any endpoint, not just on servers or client devices. Networks could support multiple transmission types, including corporate data, cellular traffic, voice over IP, video, audio and unified communication/telepresence. And the network would be smart enough to optimize traffic in real time.
The benefits are the same as with server virtualization: Network utilization would be much higher, because the application would determine the network speed and other specs. Service levels would be higher, and networks would be more scalable -- expanded to meet higher demands and scaling back during periods of low usage.
Markus Hoffman, a Alcatel Lucent lab director, is developing algorithms that would make network virtualization possible. "The goal of our work is to create a solution that enables more efficient utilization of computing resources," Hoffmann says. "Our work extends grid and cloud computing models to support not only transaction-oriented computing needs, but also interactive, session-oriented, interpersonal services."
4. Fuzzy searches
As long as you know the right search term, it's easy to find hundreds or even thousands of links on almost any given topic. However, search engines are not as powerful when it comes to so-called fuzzy searches -- finding information when you only have a vague concept of what you want. For example, you might know that there was an important English poet in the 1950s, but you can't remember his name or what he wrote. Yahoo Correlator allows you to type in vague terms such as "English poet 1950s" and correlate information. You can click on a tab for to find data such as names, places and events, and eventually hone it down and find out that there was a poet named Lou Barker.
Google Suggest is another example -- it tries to guess your query as you type.
The game-changer here is that it will be easier to find information than before. Fuzzy searches could even replace more-common search syntax, providing more accurate results faster. Natural-language searches will help bring search querying out of the realm of computing and into the real world: searches using your voice or touch interfaces, from the car or your kitchen, without ever typing.
"People have become accustomed to searching the Web for 'pages' and almost gave up searching for 'information,'" says Hugo Zaragoza, a Yahoo researcher. "As an alternative, people talk about building intelligent engines for understanding natural language and doing deep inference. Correlator shows that there is a middle ground: powerful search technology that can be used to exploit simple semantics to provide new ways of searching."
Part of the trick, Zaragoza says, is in the design of the right user interfaces, ones that allow users to specify their intent in a natural, seamless way. "Another important ingredient is to build algorithms that are resistant to errors, because automatic taggers make many mistakes," he says.
5. Social network integration
Social networking services such as Twitter and Facebook do not share data as easily as they might -- even if stopgap measures such as, a service that feeds your status from one social network to another, do help. Open standards such as Y!OS and OpenSocial are paving the way for data sharing between services.
One combination that promises to be a game-changer -- at least in terms of unifying social network and Web services -- is the Palm Pre and the WebOS, which will make it easier to log in once for multiple services. It's unclear how the WebOS will accomplish the goal -- since Palm has not released specifics yet -- but the idea is to only need to log in on one screen on the mobile device, which then logs into all of the other social networks and e-mail systems you use.
"Social networks are not only increasingly interconnected but tie into other devices like cell phones and activities like online shopping, travel planning and entertainment," says Enderle, explaining that there is a need to unify the many social networks we use so they are easier to access with a single sign-on.
6. Netbooks in the enterprise
DisplaySearch, a market research firm in Austin, estimates that sales of netbooks will blossom this year with a 65% sales increase, compared with just a 3% increase for standard notebooks. One reason that netbooks are game-changing has to do with the economic crisis; most models cost about $500 or less. They use less power, last longer than performance-oriented laptops, weigh less and work well for the most common computing tasks including word processing, e-mail and Web surfing. They may also become the new "thin client" as more companies move to cloud computing.
"Netbooks may eventually represent one of the best values for the forward-looking enterprise, which has hosted most of their applications," says Enderle. "While they don't yet fully embrace the manageability and security requirements of many shops -- there is no trusted platform module, for instance -- once they do, they may become the preferred choice for PC purchasers in business."
"The true potential of netbooks lies in their connected nature, their ability to tap the power of the cloud," adds Jeffrey Breen, an analyst at Yankee Group Research. "But in the short term, it is their familiarity which will attract corporate IT departments who are understandably drawn to $500 replacements for $1,500 laptops."
7. Smart grid
The smart grid is coming -- and local utility companies are racing to build it. Sensors located in HVAC and metering equipment connect to networks and can show consumers and companies how power is being used in real-time. Xcel Energy has already piloted a program in Boulder, Colo., and Des Moines, Iowa, has a proof-of-concept smart grid running at the State Capitol. In the future, appliances could be outfitted with sensors and displays that instruct consumers how to save energy based on usage.
The issue: Consumers have scant information about power usage. Google PowerMeter, currently in private beta only with Google employees, runs on a Web site and reports usage for electrical components in the home.
"Today, it is nearly impossible for most of us to know how much electricity we're using in our home at any given moment," says Ed Lu, the lead engineer on Google PowerMeter. "Near-real-time access to data on energy use leads to a 5% to 15% reduction in consumption. If half of American households cut their energy demand by just 10%, it would be the environmental equivalent of taking 8 million cars off the road."
The smart grid will be game-changing, but there is some debate about whether information alone will prompt action. "People need to feel tangible benefits in order to change their consumption behavior," says Breen. "I am optimistic about enterprise-focused smart-grid companies like EnerNOC and Comverge, who send checks to their customers who agree to reduce their consumption during times of peak demand."
Some suggest making the information visible in a public way. Lorie Wigle, the general manager for eco-technology at Intel, suggests an opt-in program for home owners where usage is reported on a public Web site.
Solid-state drives are already an attractive option in the PC market. In enterprise computing, a solid-state drive RAID array -- made up of several linked SSD drives -- represents a major shift in cost and performance.
Normally, to achieve high performance for a storage-area network, enterprises buy hundreds of magnetic hard disks and use only the outer portion of the drive for the fastest speeds. With a solid-state drive in a RAID configuration, the entire disk is used for performance. This lowers the costs, because an enterprise needs to buy fewer drives and use all of the space on each drive. One example of this is the Super Talent RAIDDrive, which will be available later this year. The company promises an enterprise version that will wind up costing less than a magnetic-disk array, because each SSD will be used to full capacity. (Super Talent has not released exact pricing yet.)
"You are able to take advantage of the performance benefits of the SSD and roll up to the RAID level, in particular the IOPS," says Jeremy Werner, a product expert at Super Talent. (Input/output operations per second, or IOPS, are a measurement of overall storage speed.) "Most servers have random traffic patterns to the IO storage array," he says. "For the workstations to get good performance, they need to have high IOPs, or how many transactions they can do per second."
SSD should be less expensive on an IOPS basis than Fibre Channel, Warner says, but will likely work out to be more from a per-gigabyte basis. "It depends on if people size their system for performance or capacity," he says.
"If you have an application or a database which needs a speed boost, why fiddle with expensive and complicated FibreChannel, InfiBand or iSCSI SAN solutions?" Yankee's Breen asks, noting that the SSD option is easier to manage and will cost less than existing enterprise storage products.
9. Speech-to-text and e-mail integration
Voice mail transcription is an up and comer because it shows how communication technologies are unifying -- you can listen to voice mail on the Web, forward the text of a message, hold an audioconference and record messages.
Enterprise users have enjoyed speech-to-text services in Microsoft Exchange and Cisco Unified Communication for years. The current version of Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging can send you an e-mail with a voice mail attached so you can hear it. But the 2010 beta -- released just a few weeks ago -- includes a feature that transcribes the voice mail and sends it as an e-mail.
"As an IT buyer, I can receive 10 to 20 voice mails in a day, mostly cold calls from vendors. While my UC system delivers my voice mail via my e-mail, I still have to listen to the message and follow up accordingly," says Breen. "Speech to text would save me time each day" because it is easier and faster to read e-mail than to listen to an entire voice mail, he says.
There are other unified communications features coming out, too. These days, you're probably juggling a lot of different phone numbers. For example, you might have a personal cell phone, a desk phone, a home phone and a business smartphone. Google Voice is a phone-number aggregator that automatically dials whichever phone number you want. The free service's most-impressive feature, though, is voice-mail transcription.
10. Open PC cases
BMW designed a case for the ThermalTake PC as a prototype called Level 10 and came up with an open architecture that makes it easy to swap components. The design reduces heat buildup and just looks cool. The Antec Skeleton has a similar open design with layered trays for easy access, a massive 250mm top-mounted fan and -- at about 20 pounds fully loaded -- at least a degree of portability for LAN parties, in which gamers get together in a home or office to play games over a network.
The open design means fewer headaches when it comes to upgrades, and there is very little dust accumulation. Moving away from the standard ATX enclosure size (the beige box of yesteryear) means computer cases may finally transmogrify into any shape -- not just as a custom case made by home enthusiasts, but as mass-produced models that look as great in the living room as they do in the office.
Via PCW.
How to get Your Business on the web.
What do you need to do?
Get a web address - regularly called a domain name / URL. Try and avoid words like best, largest, easiest, best, and so on.
Do not forget to put a space between paragraphs, but elude too much use of "white" space, too.
Content - the most significant of all.
5 Methods to running a successful online business.
Well, it is not much different on the internet.
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A : affiliate marketing programmes can be a superb way to start an ebusiness. It's your job to market the product, send the company clients, and get a cut every time a sale is created from your attempts.
Affiliate marketing program commissions can range between as little as 2% for expensive items up to fifty percent for ebooks and educational type products. We market mostly ebooks and software, but we do have an Amazon page for business books.
One of the most attractive sides of affiliate marketing programmes is how fast you can begin making profits. You can literally sign up as an associate and begin earning in seconds.
Rosalind Gardner commenced earning money with affiliate marketing programs in 1997. She has since grown her affiliate business into a $400,000 a year business and is now considered the authority on the topic. You too must build a site which has what folks are on the lookout for, is easy to navigate, simple to buy and checkout with friendly purchaser service.
What other stuff could you do to improve your buyer's experience? In a coffee bar you might offer free examples of new drinks or have a reduction card for folks who drink coffee with you each morning.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
ClickBank Link Burglary : Is It Actually That Bad?
It would most likely take many days of difficult work to get it out to each member of my team ( about 550 letters ). Imagine what sort of time this would save if there wer many thousand members on my mail list. One of the first promoting strategies that I used to build my business was free advertising. This strategy works, but it is vey laborious. money - This is something that is doubtless in short supply for many new people, but if used smartly, it can save an incredible period of time, plenty of EFFORT, and increase your odds of earning a giant PROFIT in a brief period. If you have visited any of the affiliate-related internet sites or read any of the diverse ebooks about affiliate internet marketing, you have pretty much certainly seen references to the troublesome topic of link burglary. Content. Indeed, so contentious is this issue that it is frequently debated in forums and an entire arms depot of 3rd party weapons has developed to help defeat it. As an associate, it is kind of impossible to quantify the quantity of commission you lose thru deliberate link hijacking or other, less evil, forms of commission losses. Inside the previous group, the majority will derive from real affiliate referrals, but a p.c. will be the results of link theft. I spend just a few bucks on my auto responder, but it saves me tons of hours every month.
By spending some greenbacks with SFI every month, you can become an Executive Affiliate. The above system may be employed in several affiliate opportunities besides SFI, so whichever affiliate program you are a part of, take a detailed look at the inducements that are offered.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Microsoft Announces Zune HD

"The Zune music player is an integral part of the overall Zune experience and we're proud to be growing and extending our offering beyond the device," said Enrique Rodriguez, corporate vice president of the Microsoft TV, Video and Music Business Group. "Delivering on Microsoft's connected entertainment vision; this news marks a turning point for Zune as it brings cross-platform experiences and premium video content to living rooms around the world."
Zune Service Expands to New Platform
Zune will be a premium partner in the Xbox LIVE Video Marketplace, bringing an exciting catalogue of TV and film to the platform. Zune will occupy the first slot within the Xbox user interface in the Xbox LIVE Video Marketplace, exposing the Zune brand experience to millions of new consumers for the first time. At the Electronic Entertainment Expo next week, attendees will see first-hand how Zune integrates into Xbox LIVE creating a game-changing entertainment experience.
Introducing Zune HD
Zune HD is the next iteration of the Zune device family and brings a new level of listening and viewing experiences to the portable media player category.
· Zune HD comes with a built-in HD Radio receiver so users can listen to higher quality sound than traditional radio on the go. Users will also have access to the additional song and artist data broadcasted by HD Radio stations as well as additional channels from their favorite stations multicasting in HD – if you don't like the song playing on your station's HD channel, switch to their HD2 or HD3 channels for additional programming
· The bright OLED touch screen interface allows users to flip through music, movies and other content with ease, and the 16:9 widescreen format display offers a premium viewing experience on the go
· The HD compatible output lets Zune HD customers playback video from the device through a premium HDMI A/V docking station
· Zune HD will include a full screen internet browser optimized for multi-touch
· Zune HD is wi-fi enabled allowing for instant streaming to the device from the more than 5 million track Zune music store
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Tips For Article Syndication.
Increase focused traffic If you write helpful and educational articles, syndicating them can increase the quantity of future clients arriving at your internet site.
Folk are not reaching for their Yellow Pages and phone directories any more when they need a service or a product, they straight away go to their PCs to have a look for the data they need on the web. Click this link to read information about affiliate directory. , it's important for each business to have an internet site to market their services on the web. The changing shopper trend has inspired the multiplication of the sites online leading to a high quality of competition on the web. Cut off point Conscious Company One of the major issues with outsourcing web site development work is the timely completion of the work. The final purpose of launching a business site is to gain online visibility.

peep these vest/cardigans I spotted at I need a Lake Show one so I can irritate the Kobe haters in style.
New iPhone to Come in Six Different Versions?
A new report by iLounge suggests that the next generation iPhone will come in six different versions.
The site has been told that there will be two storage capacities each for: 3G, enhanced 3G ("3.5G/3.75G"), and mainland China versions of the phone.
The phones will have the same size and general design of the current model, but with a less scratchable matte plastic body.
They believe that the telecoms in each country will only receive the version which matches their system capabilities so the option between a “slow iPhone” and “fast iPhone” won't be available.
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iPod Nano 5G to Have a Camera?
An artist rendering posted by iLounge shows the addition of a camera and a wider screen on the upcoming iPod Nano 5G.
The site obtained the information for the rendering from a source which has had "a perfect track record for accuracy"
As noted in the second image, the screen gets widened to a 1.5:1 aspect ratio, but still retains the Click Wheel of all prior nano models—in other words, no touchscreen controls this year for the iPod nano. The Click Wheel shifts down further on the new nano’s body, shrinks a little, and sees the size of the center Action button decrease as well. Finally, there’s a camera on the back in an unusual location, one which conceivably might be blocked by hands… except when the iPod nano is corner-gripped for photography. It will debut at the same time as the new iPod touch, between July and September. Our gut feeling is September.
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The only way to Start an affiliate marketing program.
If the expenses related to these networks isn't in your position, there are more alternatives available. If you are new at affiliate marketing, you are doubtless feeling pretty overwhelmed right now. Who is your audience and what are they looking for? How are you able to help them? And naturally you'll have to advertise your product / service. If you are ready to put in the time that is obligatory, and fetch help from folk who know how web marketing works, then you can make a lot of cash on the web. These permit developers to learn ways to start an affiliate marketing programme without basically being needed to develop the software. It is clear the more affiliate you're able to signup, the more money you and they are going to make, so treat them as you would any valued worker, by offering them benefits to keep them strongly galvanized.
What's an affiliate marketing program and How is it able to Make Me Money?
There are a few kinds of internet sites you can set up. There are no expensive outgoings like premises, which you would have with a bricks and mortar business. You are just meant to be supplying them with info, your affiliate partner is the one that does all of the selling.
this is an example of a content based web site. In the final analysis, you have indulged in promoting a subject that you are informed and obsessed about ; whilst at the same time have initiated residual earnings from. She and her hubby work solely from home and support their family of 5 nicely with lots of time for play.
Microsoft to Launch New Search Engine With Huge Ad Campaign

The software giant is set to launch an $80 million to $100 million campaign for Bing, the search engine it hopes will help it grab a bigger slice of the online ad market. That's a big campaign -- big compared with consumer-product launches ($50 million is considered a sizable budget for a national rollout) and very big when you consider that Google spent about $25 million on all its advertising last year, according to TNS Media Intelligence, with about $11.6 million of that focused on recruiting. Microsoft, by comparison, spent $361 million. Certainly Google has never faced an ad assault of anything like this magnitude.
The ad campaign was created by JWT and will utilize online, TV, print and radio. The ads apparently don't target Google or Yahoo; rather, they will focus on planting the idea that today's search engines don't work as well as consumers previously thought by asking them whether search (aka Google) really solves their problems.
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Monday, May 25, 2009
How to guard your internet enterprise.
A minor mistake on your side can wipe out everything you have worked so hard and devoted your full life to make your business a hit or attempting to do at the moment. Since you are in the Net Promoting business, I am sure you've heard the nightmare stories about what happens to other marketers in the shape of suits, regime inquiries, criminal prosecution, civil judgments, fines, bankruptcy, and even court orders barring them from conducting business on the internet. Particularly when its comes to business law and legal nitty gritty. How does one get to know all these legal stuff and look after your business and you. Doing google search for ways to protect your web business legally legal services for internet business, or similar phrase, you can educate yourself on the topic, if you have some time. Or you can call your barrister and ask for recommendation, if you are rich enough. This is about the practical and practical perspective. A tennis pro isn't spending his time searching for lackluster folk to play just so he'll win. Find people who are successful in their lives and their business and talk with them. The only sustainable incentive comes from your heart. Opt to empower yourself with selling tools, supportive folk, and a heart-centered inspiration for achieving your goals. It isn't feasible to achieve an ideal balance between work and other areas of your life but it is feasible to make a rhythm that ebbs and flows to permit you the energy you must build your business and have a life. If one works eighty hours a week, eat like crap, and do not exercise, you may make a large amount of money in the short run but your fitness will catch up with you.
Affiliate promotion plan to present your product to potential buyers!
You first must work out ways to select a good program to push. Then you have to work out what niche you wish to push your product to. You'll have to analyze your niche so you do not finish up wasting a large amount of time putting together a unprofitable campaign. And naturally, there's always the difficulty of staying focussed. affiliate marketing is a profession in which you need to learn the complete workings of the industry to become successful, but you'll need a structured learning system to learn it all. Manifestly , being new to affiliate internet marketing, you would like to take charge of your financials, of your life and of your future. When you look at affiliate marketing and business, there are 4 areas you need to master to achieve success : - Finding a centered niche market. - a product in that niche that folks are looking at buying. - a promotional strategy to present your service to potential buyers. * Autopilot Profits presents a step by step system to earn money in the shortest possible time. If you have read other web marketing guides that have given you a variety of systems and obscure guarantees, Autopilot Profits will bring it all into focus and deliver info that is concrete and prepared. For tons more stuff about existem affiliate management. You want to find and concentrate on a niche where there's an unmet demand. Choosing the correct niche market is crucial to online marketing success. When you do manage to get a niche market, you'll need to find out what you can sell there primarily based on market surveys. If you cant find a suitable product, then you wont be in a position to make profits and sell products or services. Do not think you should purchase an electronic book or 2, or a program promising to show you the way to wealth, and think that you are going to be a millionaire next year. You'll need to get training and support, which you'll be capable of finding when you join declared membership coaching site.
Adventures in iPhone beta land
...Or how to brick your phone with an upgrade, and recover...
Earlier this month, Apple released the fifth beta of their 3.0 firmware for the iPhone. As usual, I raced to the site to download it.
I became very excited by the email that I got saying that submissions to the Apple store have to be compatible with iPhone OS 3.0, which to me means it won't be long before this is a production OS. With that in mind, I strapped on my crazy cap and decided to upgrade my phone to beta 5.

Sunday, May 24, 2009
The Palm Pre's Price Tag Depends on Where You Buy It
When Palm Pre's pricing and availability was officially announced earlier this week, one thing looked particularly unusual for a high-end mobile phone launch these days: an annoying mail-in rebate. But savvy shoppers can avoid the rebate roulette and can get better prices by shopping around.
If you want to buy the Palm Pre for the advertised $199 price (after a two-year Sprint contract) you will actually have to shell out $299 at the register and then redeem a $100 mail-in rebate. It will take you generally between four to eight weeks to get your $100 rebate on your Palm Pre. That's unless you don't want to go through the tedious process of claiming your rebate, which is something many retailers using this marketing technique count on.
Fortunately, you can save yourself the pain of buying your Pre from a Sprint store. If you go to a BestBuy or Radio Shack store, this mail-in rebate will be deducted instantly at the register, it has been confirmed.
BestBuy is preparing a big push for the Palm Pre by training some of its employees for a Walk Out Working program, which aims to get Pre customers using their new phone before they leave the store.
But this rebate affair is not the only pricing annoyance that may plague the Palm Pre when it ships June 6. A $199 8GB Palm Pre would go head to head with a new 16GB iPhone for the same price (as per yesterday's iPhone 3.0 rumors). That might have some potential Palm Pre customers hesitant to pull the trigger on buying the Pre.
Three Prohibited Mental Systems That Force Prospects to purchase.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
"Affiliate Programs to Avoid".
Ask any associate which has made decent money with affiliate marketing programmes whether or not they enjoy what they are doing and they can all answer YES'. You want to enjoy what you do to do well at it. These folks won't be content being an associate.
If you are brooding about associate programs but are a tiny uncertain then ask the following questions before you start out. He was justifiably proud of his achievement and I was thrilled by the chance of having a product to market that would benefit everybody - my purchasers, my buddy and myself. The first stumbling block was the low commission he offered. As an affiliate of dating programs, he should have been aware that new sites offer at least fifty percent on new and repeated sales to lure good associates to enroll. In most situations, his affiliate marketing program would have struck out for me at that point. Hoping for the best, I continued my review. When I got to the site, the very first thing I spotted was '6 registered members' prominently displayed at the pinnacle of the homepage. That usually would not be a difficulty, apart from the indisputable fact that my buyers are searching for pals and soul chums. Are you chuffed being told what selling materials you need to use by the affiliate marketing programme manager? Four. Are you ecstatic to struggle against lots of other affiliates re-selling the same product? If you can answer yes to these questions then you may be satisfied being an affiliate .
On the lookout for An affiliate online marketing Tip?
You have to be prepared to work with those that will be your affiliates to help them push your products. Your affiliates should be treated as business partners in that they are working both for you and with you. They frequently receive pc.s of the sales made by sending shoppers to internet sites that make the final sale. If you now have a domain, then joining a MLM home-based business affiliate marketing program only appears sensible. Spending a huge quantity of money to be in an affiliate marketing program since you can always finding one for nothing. Inspect how your MLM cottage business affiliate marketing program plans on paying you. Establish which is right for your business before entering an affiliate marketing programme. All 3 supply a large number of affiliate marketing programs at no charge to join. Most affiliates earn 8% to 15% off the sales cost of all of the items purchased by folk brought to your website by theirs. If you bear in mind an associate online marketing tip or 2 in your brain whilst you are structuring your program, surely you will fund success.
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The Best affiliate marketing programmes raise your Site's Takings Potential.
It is irrelevant if you're a homebody Mom or Pa ; a university student or a teacher ; somebody looking out for a business venture ; saving up for something special ; or you only need to pay down some bills. To start these are some fast Questions & Answers you will have about free Net money. A : you could have the cash in your bank no later then three months. Customarily , approximately it should take about two months. Not taking advantage of each tool available for generating further income could be the reason behind so many vanishing web sites.
Do not worry though , you can definitely make more than you spend, and the majority of the offers are great trial deals where you can receive not only free money but top products too.
How to create an account in Google adsence

Then click Google adsence "sign up button"

Now you will see Google absence sign up from then fill up with right information like :-
1. your web site URL
2. select your language
3. check this box
4. select your account type
5. select your country

6. type your payee name(full name)
7. street address
8. type your city name
9. select your state
10. type your zip code
11. tick the check box that you agree
12. select your option

13. select three box then click "submit information"

then click number one or second if you have Google account then click first one if you don't have any google account then click second one.

Then if you see a massage that a confirmation mail will be sent to your account. that will finished to create Google absence account.

Friday, May 22, 2009
Apple Chooses Supplier for Tablet Display

A report by DigiTimes says that Apple has chosen the display supplier for a new tablet device which may still be expected in 2009.
Wintek has been selected as the panel module supplier for Apple's upcoming e-book form factor netbook product, according to Taiwan notebook related IC designers.
Taiwan IC designers are optimistic about demand for notebook related products in the second half of 2009 as more diversified products will hit the market during that time.
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[Mock Up]
iPhone 16GB Reaches 'End of Life'
Vodafone has sent out an email to retail staff stating that the 16GB iPhone has been marked as 'End of Life', according to a MacTalk report.
Why is this interesting to us? Well it just adds further fuel to the fire that there will be a new iPhone very, very soon. What mixes us up is the fact the 8GB isn’t EOL, but the 16GB is. Perhaps a 32GB and 8GB model will be around, the 8GB being the value option for the price conscious set.
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If anybody is to be called the Nas of Los Angeles it should be E-Rule. Proof?: First of all, I have never worked with or heard an Emcee with a better knack for what musicians refer to as, the pocket. His voice literally becomes an instrument sometimes so much that is hard to receive all of the emotions in his rhymes. Second- He is one of the first brothers (*see Movement X) in Los Angeles to rhyme from the perspective of The Gods and have knowledge of self. Third: I always say that Los Angeles is unique because it's inner-city life is traditionally influenced by car, jail and GANG cultures. E-Rule is authentic because he has always been from from a well known hood and never used it to get over in his music career. You have to respect that.
In our lane, there weren't many Emcees that pushed me outside of my crew (Solar Panel) back in the 90's. Then there were people like Divine Styler, Mykah 9, and E-Rule who made me think deeper, be more free, and rhyme more precise. here is a song we did together in like 97'..
What are Turnkey Websites?
All of the buyer wishes to do is turn the key and they are prepared to do business. Retail costs for true turnkey web sites with above average quality start at roughly $300. The average retail price is roughly $600 and regularly includes many months of hosting costs or a reduction if you continue to host the site on their servers. To grasp the reason for the recognition and high requirement for quality, true turnkey sites, you need to step out of the box for an instant and look back at the Net in total. It's also not populated often by geeks these days. I remember when the Net was surfed often by male PC geeks and products being sold online were for the technically inclined. Due to heavy levels of stress and an individual have to be happier, the perspective these days is that more folks need to be their own head honcho, telecommute, work when they need to and as frequently they wish. Almost all of todays want-to-be online entrepreneurs know small about web design, do not have the resources to learn, or lack the aspiration or patience. Many don't have the initial investment wanted to purchase the software or procure the education to supply professionally designed sites which will reflect well on their business. Desmond Pringle Tommy Boy Gospel artist Desmond Pringle is an obsessed vocalist with a completely unique brand of balladry -- and one of the most gifted tunesmith / producers in gospel music today. Whether delivering his signature-smooth ballads, thought inciting words or energetic choir songs, Desmond has taken his place among the ranks of great gospel artists of his generation. Using the rock energy of artists like Joel, John and Keith Emerson with lighter touches of Jazz and New Age artists like David Arkenstone and David Lanz, Bryant creates a novel mix of rock, pop jazz and world music thats extremely unique and appealing. Tim Young Rocker Tim Young, vet to the Long Island music scene, has been performing in Manhattan for some time. Tim Youngs 3rd CD the pricetag features 12 new songs and a new version of his very own tune "Renegade" from RED. Their ROI ( investment return ) is Terribly high because they have access to 100s of web templates that they can produce into true turnkey web sites. Our web templates is an ideal example but just one of these component. They also buy other elements, which we don't provide like CGI scripts and reseller website hosting accounts. They set up 1 or 2 *generic* formats ( which is the page content only ) and then they follow the same steps as any other web developer, i. The difference between a sample site ( which we don't permit our web templates to be sold in this way ) and a turnkey site ( which is inside our terms ) is easy and is a thing we are usually asked. A sample site isn't completely functional and ready for the buyer to take off with it.