Monday, February 25, 2008
Different Types of Searches Can Be Confusing
By Vickie J. Scanlon
Let the search begin. Are you confused by the different searches. What searches you say? It is-universal search, horizontal search, and vertical search.
Horizontal search – Is when you do a normal search within Google and you will do a search across a wide spectrum of material to get results.
Vertical search – Vertical search is more niche driven. This is more of a narrow search: For example: If you do a search on medicine: the search would only drill down into that area of the search engine.
Though many not know it Google, does have vertical search. Some examples are: Patent Search, Product Search, Images, etc.
Universal Search- Universal search is well, interesting but confusing. But what is Google trying to do? Google universal search is a remake-or upgrade of regular search to a more – well, integrated search across many different niches. – Such as you get the regular search results with, news stories, books relevant to search, videos, images, and related searches that is relevant to your initial search.
What does Google say about the advantages for the webmaster when it comes to universal search. It is to your advantage, because now there will be more results that will be returned by the searchers search-which means more opportunities to reach out to your target market. If you want to see any of your content put into the universal mill you can check out Google’s Webmaster Central Blog for details.
Though, you may think that universal search, vertical search or your standard horizontal search is a little confusing-it all can be relevant to those who use search engine marketing as one of their marketing tools.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Linking Rules of the Big Three
By Vickie J. Scanlon
Anyone with a website, is always looking for ways to get the search engines to their sites, as well as, get people to their pages. What there is talk on occasion about “cloaking”. Do you know what it is? And is it something to consider, or not to consider?
Cloaking-What is It?
Cloaking what is it? It is a "technique" used by which a website delivers one page to the search engines for indexing, while delivering a page to everyone else.
Does Google Approve?
Google doesn't like cloaking because it spams their crawler. Nor does Google like paid links because of their emphasis on links as a quality indicator. Google's solution is to simply-disallow paid links and punish the sites that disregard their rules by either penalizing or booting them from the index.
Does MSN Approve?
MSN on the other hand, doesn't disallow the practice and state it is more of a gray area. Everyone should do a brake on the "gray area". What does that really say? I don't like it, and soon we may put the brakes to the practice as well. Just give us time.
Does Yahoo Approve?
Nope. If you're caught cloaking your ranking is dropped like a hot potato.
My advise, go with the rules of the big gun "Google" whether you like the rules or not. Because what I have found is-what Google puts into place, soon the others will follow. And I have to ask you-do you want to be indexed by Google or not?
About the Author:
Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at:
for free tools, articles, ebooks, affiliate opportunities, products and services, and how to info for the Affiliate Marketer/Internet Marketer. Catch all her articles on her blog- My Affiliate Place Blog.
Friday, February 15, 2008
New Scam-Economic Stimulus Scam
Just as a courtesy, be aware that there is a new scam out for people in the US. The economic stimulus checks will be going out in May. The IRS is warning to be aware that there is a scam going around that is trying to get additional information and of course, your money. So put a bug in people's ears-be it seniors, etc. So anything coming by phone-do not give them any information.
If it is an email-delete.
Entry for February 15, 2008
Trích từ nhiều sources, dzui kinh:
Đề thi văn trắc nghiệm, tự luận, logic. Thời gian làm bài 123 phút không kể thời gian nhòm bài của thí sinh khác. Phạm vi kiến thức trong sách giáo khoa, khuyến khích kiến thức nhận được khi đi học thêm nhà thầy cô giáo.
I. Thí sinh trả lời các câu sau ( mỗi câu 10 điểm ):
1 : “ Trên đồng cạn , dưới đồng sâu
Chồng cầy , vợ cấy , con trâu ... “
Con trâu làm gì ?
A : Đi chọi
B : Đi nằm
C : Đi cầy
D : Đứng xem
2 : Trong truyện ngắn “Sơn tinh , Thủy Tinh “ nhà vua yêu cầu lễ vật phải có 1 con voi . Con voi đó như thế nào ?
A : Voi Ma Mút
B : Voi Bản Đôn
C : Voi 9 Ngà
D : Cá Voi
E : Không có con voi nào cả , cứ đưa tiền Vua tự mua .
3 : Truyện ngắn “ Đôi Mắt “ của tác giả nào ?
A : Văn Cao
B : Nam cao
C : Vũ Cao
D : Dịch từ tác phẩm cùng tên của 1 nhà văn Ma Cao .
4 : Nhân vật Chí Phèo từng có thời gian ngồi tù , theo bạn lý do nào Chí Phèo ra được tù ?
A : Vượt ngục
B : Chạy án
C : Được lệnh ân xá .
5. Thị Nở đã nấu nồi cháo gì cho Chí Phèo ăn ?
a. Cháo gà
b. Cháo hải sản
c. Cháo hành
d. Cháo bào ngư
6."Mày đánh chồng bà đi rồi bà cho mày xem ...!" (TẮT ĐÈN -NGÔ TẤT TỐ)
Và chị đã cho chúng nó xem thật ... thế chị Dậu muốn cho chúng nó xem cái gì ?
________ (hoc sinh tự điền )
7.Vương Thúy Kiều đã trầm mình ở sông :
a. Tiền Giang
b. Tiền Đường
c. Sông Lô
d. Sông Hồng
8 : Nguyễn Du , Nguyễn Trãi , Nguyễn Lân có quan hệ với nhau như thế nào ?
a : Anh em .
b : Bạn bè
c : Chị em .
d : Thí sinh có quyền giải thoát trừ 20% số điểm bài thi nếu bỏ qua câu này
II. Hai câu hỏi phụ :
+ Em cảm nhận đề này như thê nào ?
+ Có bao nhiêu ngừoi cùng đáp án với em?
Chân Thành Cám Ơn
Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.
(phần đặt quảng cáo : Đề thi đại học nơi đáng tin cậy cho chiến lược marketing của bạn liên hệ ngay 08910111213)
Chú ý : cấm mang dtdd vào phòng thi .
Sunday, February 10, 2008
SEO, Meta Tags and Algorithms
By Vickie J. Scanlon
SEO and Meta Tags and Algorithms must be considered when you are optimizing your site. But let's begin with algorithm and it's connection to Meta Tags and SEO.
What is an algorithm?
What is an algorithm? It is the method/formula used by a search engine to determine the relevancy and importance of a web page. Algorithms are, as you have seen with Google in the last year, becoming more advanced. Google is attempting to make the pages more relevant for it customers. There are many things considered within the algorithm, so you have to ask yourself, with all the changes are Meta tags still important in the optimization process? I would say, yes.
But which Meta tags are useful and which are not? It depends who you are talking too.
Meta Tags Useful or Not?
So which meta tags are useful? Let's begin with meta tag robots.
Meta tag Robots
The Meta tag robots tag can be very beneficial. This can tell a search engine how to proceed on your page. The below example tell the search engine to index and follow through:
(Tells robot not index page or to scan it for links on this page)
Note: Though this tag may be useful for robots that follow the rules, in most cases there are robots such as email harvesters that completely ignore the tag completely.
Meta Tag Description - Meta tag descriptions can be either short or long descriptions. The short Meta tag description is great for navigational queries, while the long description is good for SEO.
Meta Keywords - There is a lot of give and take when it comes to the Meta keywords tag. Here's some of the comment I have heard:
1. Some people say that the Meta keywords is obsolete, others say it is not so.
2. Some say the big search engines may not utilize them, but some say the small search engines do.
3. Some webmasters say that they use it as a reference, other say, no-no don't it will give the competition unfair advantage.
So, you be the judge. If you do use keywords, be sure to make sure that your page is within keyword page density.
To conclude, yes Meta tags are still used, and if used appropriately can help you to be user-friendly to search engines and your SEO process, as well as, giving the robots, that mind their manners. the instructions they need when they hit your site.
About the Author:
Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at: My Affiliate Place for tools, ebook reviews, computers, security software and products for business, and SEO how to info for the Affiliate Marketer/Internet Marketer.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Chile Con Scientific

We recently went to Chile to perform with Psycho Realm and Evidence for the L.A. Underground Hip-Hop Festival. it was our first time to South America and I must say, I can't wai o go back for several reasons. The people were cool as hell, the food was great ( real Chilean Sea Bass), and they love real Hip-Hop music. There is a lot of room for growth but overall the country was surprisingly more Western than I expected.

The New Royales

Khalil has a new project / band he is almost finished with that will surley win him many Grammy's. The name is The New Royales and I have already told him he has to hire me a a roadie when they blow so I can know what it feels like to work with a real band.....the group consists of Chin, Liz, and Eric and they are on some new PortisGoRillaClashDillaness ish......wait til you hear it!
Monday, February 4, 2008
The Art of Procrastination
By Vickie J. Scanlon
Everyone knows what procrastination is right? If not, here’s a quick definition “to put off for another day”. When you are first starting out, it’s easy to not procrastinate, but as your business moves forward you may find yourself with a case of procrastination.
I have to treat “procrastination” as a self-employed illness that must be dealt with. And no, you can’t take medicine for it. If you’re not sure how to identify procrastination let me share some thoughts:
1. Your intent for the day is to write an article-and you know you have to do a little research. You stare aimlessly at the computer screen for a few minutes-contemplating the task. (The few minutes extend to a half-hour as you organize your desk.)
2. Back to your article. Let the research begin. But yet that inner voice may say: “Let’s look at your stats, it will only take a few minutes.” And that is what you do. (Eventually you may repeatedly look at your stats throughout the day. No reason, other than that they are there.)
3. After completing your stats look up, you are now ready for your research. But your thoughts intrude once again with: “Gee, I guess I’ll get a cup of coffee, that might energize me.” You’re gone again.
4. After getting your coffee, you are again, back at your computer. Slowly you sip at your coffee, when an email arrives. Got to read it. Do you read just the one email? Of course not, you read all of the emails, even the ones you’ve read before.
This can go on for the full day, if you do not recognize the symptoms. So what do you do, or what can you do. If you need to get a task accomplished on that day, you will need to either:
1) Reward yourself if you accomplish the task, or;
2) Threaten yourself with: If you don’t get it done now, you will have to work late into the night –with constant interruptions from your spouse, your children or your neighbors. (I have to admit, this reality check does hit home.)
There have been times when my husband will sit in a chair and talk to me while I’m trying to write. Or he will ask me to look up things on the computer. I usually find myself doing the Whoopi Goldberg comment in “Ghost” of “I will,” with much emphasis.
If you do not need to get the task done today, admit defeat and take the day off and come back tomorrow refreshed.
Though these quick suggestions may not be perfect, it can give you an idea of what you can do to get yourself back on track. Now, let me see, oh yeah, I need to look at my stats again.
About the Author:
Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at:
for tools, ebook reviews, computers, security software and products for business, and how to info for the Affiliate Marketer/Internet Marketer. Catch all her articles on her blog- My Affiliate Place Blog.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
We Know People

I recently met one of the greatest spoken word poets / artists of our time, Saul Williams. The first time I was really exposed to his talent was when I caught the movie Slam for the first time, and I was impressed by his cadence, he recites like an emcee, not spoken word artist. We were all at brother Talib's studio recording some mixtape shit and Mr. Williams came through to get Kweli on a new track for his album which I think is called "So Intellectual". Shit was like some Spank Rock on Space Dust sounding shit produced by Kid Tronica? I think....anyway if you aint up on Saul Williams check him out the nigga is the truth.
Why I do not shift to a custom domain
If you are seriously engaged in blogging, it is always recommended to have your own domain and preferably Wordpress hosted on it.Many Internet friends and some blogging professionals recommended me to have my own domain.Webtalks is making enough bucks for me to buy hosting and a domain for it.I'm a big WP fan and I too want to join the self hosted Wordpress community.Still there are few reasons that restrict me
- Domain Age.With the blast of links everyday towards this blog (say thanks to templates), I believe Google will put this blog in the Sandbox.Since I'm currently on Blogger, Google counts the domain age of which well is a pretty old one(1999).
- Time.As a student it isn't easy to come online everyday.Which leaves me with two alternatives.Either sell off my blog like Rishi did or keep the posts on blogger till I pass out.I'm not comfortable selling this blog as this is connected to my Google Account.So keeping it live on Blogger is the only option(Don't say that I can also delete the blog).
- Hosting.Though many web hosting providers promise 0% downtime, still there is a risk.On blogger, I haven't yet encountered any downtime for this blog.Blogger currently gives undisclosed bandwidth to its blogs, so no problems how much traffic I receive when I'm absent
You read it right.I will for sure move Webtalks to a custom domain.All I can currently tell you is that you'll have to wait a bit for it.I believe by May 2010.Yes I know its long after.But I will continue posting on Webtalks when I'm free.I had already bought a domain ( back this summer.But afterwards I came to know (.info) domains are full of spam, so next time I'll buy a (.com) only
I'm currently looking for a good domain name (.com). If you have any thoughts, feel free to share them in comments.By 2010, I hope it will gain some age and then we'll shift Webtalks to it.
During this period I will go through intensive studying as these 3 years will be determining for my career.If you are an Indian you would be quite familiar with IIT-JEE which is what I'm going to be preparing for.But still I need wishes from all you for cracking IIT isn't possible without your blessings.Will miss you all.