Friday, July 27, 2007
CSS-What's To Understand?
What can you do with CSS? If you're using FrontPage, and have not migrated to their new Expression Web software because you are not even sure what CSS is, then this article may help. As to the new software Expression Web, you must be familiar with HTML and/or XHTML-it's not really a beginner's helper as the other FrontPage modules. Many people are scrambling, not sure whether to get the new software, or look for something different. With that being said, back to the topic at hand.
I was curious about what CSS could do, and if the search engines and/or browsers had any problems with CSS. From what I have researched, it looks like some of the search engines have their quirks with CSS - in other words, the browsers can not handle all the capabilities that CSS offers equally.
My article "CSS-What's It All About" will give you an insight to what CSS is, what it can do, as well as, some simple syntax that CSS uses. This mind you, is an overview, with directions to where you can get a little more help.
CSS-What's It All About
By Vickie J. Scanlon
CSS-search engines and your browsers-so what! Right? Maybe, unless you want to know a little about CSS. So, let me begin by saying that CSS can reduce your time at the computer. But you will need knowledge of HTML, XHTML, and the style properties of CSS. Let's say you are wanting to use CSS- but don't know whether CSS is compatible with the search engines or the browsers that your clients may be using. These are some of the questions I'll try to answer, as well as, explain a little about what CSS is all about.
What is CSS?
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is a set of formatting instructions that controls the looks of a web page or pages. Some of the browsers that support CSS is: (Firefox,IE3 or later, NN4 or later). You may be saying, great this will definitely save me some time. Not so fast, you also need to know that though, the majority of the browsers understand CSS, they do not fully support all of it's capabilities.
XHTML - XHTML is EXtensible HyperText Markup Language. XHTML Is HTML with stricter rules-that adds conformity and, is 100% XML compliant.
What can you do with CSS
1) You can build your layout - adjust size and color of your headings or body text.
2) If you have like pages or styles within your pages that are used over and over again, this saves you time in duplicate formatting.
How to get the Search Engines to See Your Copy
Granted Search Engines still have some problems with understanding CSS.
But if you want to use CSS, how can you get the search engines to see what you want.
1. Keep your text clean, if you have to much garbage in your web page, than the spiders will have a difficult time in determining what is relevant and what is not. Thus, CSS keeps your web page clean, without the redundant coding needed for each individual element of code. Here is an example of how to code a headline; with the CSS code below.
Example: "h1" Title "/h1" ( where there are ", use < or > )
CSS code: H1 {font family: Arial size: 18 px; bold;}
Syntax of CSS
First, CSS can be written within any text editor. But the text file must be saved with a CSS extension.
The syntax of CSS consists of the selector and the declaration. The selector is the identifier within the body of your web page; the declaration is the code that identifies the style that you want to put into place as to property and rule. Lets say you want all your H1 headlines to be green, with the font Arial. the code for CSS would be as follows:
selector {property: rule;}
H1 {color: green; font-family: Arial;}
Note: Notice that the property and rule must be enclosed in {}.
Placement of CSS
There are three places to put your CSS code:
In the Head (Internal), in an external file, or within an individual tag (Inline style).
Internal -is used within a single web page that may have a unique style.
Inline - mixes code with content. Sometimes you may need to use it, but this style does seem to eliminate the need of even using a CSS style sheet.
External - The CSS is separate from the body of the web page and is linked with the web page. Thus, to link an external file into a web page you will need to use the link tag.
Example: link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="NameofCSS.css" (Goes in the head section after the title tag with <> at beginning and end of statement)
Which way do you go? If you have a large site or a site that will be expanding, an external file would be a better way to quickly and easily manipulate all your web pages at once.
Watch out for Spam
But with anything on the Internet, CSS can be used for the good and the bad. And obviously, if you want to keep your site up and running for a long time, Some CSS techniques should be avoided. Why? Because some CSS techniques can be considered spam by the search engines and thus, ban your site if you use the techniques. The blackhat tactics include such things as: 1) using CSS to hide text-from headlines to body from the human eye; 2) hiding and bolding or italicizing copy for search engine spiders benefit only.
To conclude, CSS can and is a viable way to making your web pages easier to maintain-if the majority of your pages follow the same format. If you are not all that familiar with CSS, then take the time to look at tutorial. It's very informative and can get you started with CSS.
About the Author:
Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at: My Affiliate Place or free tools, articles, ebooks, how to info, affiliate opportunities, travel and tech accessories, security software and computers for your home office or online business.
I was curious about what CSS could do, and if the search engines and/or browsers had any problems with CSS. From what I have researched, it looks like some of the search engines have their quirks with CSS - in other words, the browsers can not handle all the capabilities that CSS offers equally.
My article "CSS-What's It All About" will give you an insight to what CSS is, what it can do, as well as, some simple syntax that CSS uses. This mind you, is an overview, with directions to where you can get a little more help.
CSS-What's It All About
By Vickie J. Scanlon
CSS-search engines and your browsers-so what! Right? Maybe, unless you want to know a little about CSS. So, let me begin by saying that CSS can reduce your time at the computer. But you will need knowledge of HTML, XHTML, and the style properties of CSS. Let's say you are wanting to use CSS- but don't know whether CSS is compatible with the search engines or the browsers that your clients may be using. These are some of the questions I'll try to answer, as well as, explain a little about what CSS is all about.
What is CSS?
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is a set of formatting instructions that controls the looks of a web page or pages. Some of the browsers that support CSS is: (Firefox,IE3 or later, NN4 or later). You may be saying, great this will definitely save me some time. Not so fast, you also need to know that though, the majority of the browsers understand CSS, they do not fully support all of it's capabilities.
XHTML - XHTML is EXtensible HyperText Markup Language. XHTML Is HTML with stricter rules-that adds conformity and, is 100% XML compliant.
What can you do with CSS
1) You can build your layout - adjust size and color of your headings or body text.
2) If you have like pages or styles within your pages that are used over and over again, this saves you time in duplicate formatting.
How to get the Search Engines to See Your Copy
Granted Search Engines still have some problems with understanding CSS.
But if you want to use CSS, how can you get the search engines to see what you want.
1. Keep your text clean, if you have to much garbage in your web page, than the spiders will have a difficult time in determining what is relevant and what is not. Thus, CSS keeps your web page clean, without the redundant coding needed for each individual element of code. Here is an example of how to code a headline; with the CSS code below.
Example: "h1" Title "/h1" ( where there are ", use < or > )
CSS code: H1 {font family: Arial size: 18 px; bold;}
Syntax of CSS
First, CSS can be written within any text editor. But the text file must be saved with a CSS extension.
The syntax of CSS consists of the selector and the declaration. The selector is the identifier within the body of your web page; the declaration is the code that identifies the style that you want to put into place as to property and rule. Lets say you want all your H1 headlines to be green, with the font Arial. the code for CSS would be as follows:
selector {property: rule;}
H1 {color: green; font-family: Arial;}
Note: Notice that the property and rule must be enclosed in {}.
Placement of CSS
There are three places to put your CSS code:
In the Head (Internal), in an external file, or within an individual tag (Inline style).
Internal -is used within a single web page that may have a unique style.
Inline - mixes code with content. Sometimes you may need to use it, but this style does seem to eliminate the need of even using a CSS style sheet.
External - The CSS is separate from the body of the web page and is linked with the web page. Thus, to link an external file into a web page you will need to use the link tag.
Example: link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="NameofCSS.css" (Goes in the head section after the title tag with <> at beginning and end of statement)
Which way do you go? If you have a large site or a site that will be expanding, an external file would be a better way to quickly and easily manipulate all your web pages at once.
Watch out for Spam
But with anything on the Internet, CSS can be used for the good and the bad. And obviously, if you want to keep your site up and running for a long time, Some CSS techniques should be avoided. Why? Because some CSS techniques can be considered spam by the search engines and thus, ban your site if you use the techniques. The blackhat tactics include such things as: 1) using CSS to hide text-from headlines to body from the human eye; 2) hiding and bolding or italicizing copy for search engine spiders benefit only.
To conclude, CSS can and is a viable way to making your web pages easier to maintain-if the majority of your pages follow the same format. If you are not all that familiar with CSS, then take the time to look at tutorial. It's very informative and can get you started with CSS.
About the Author:
Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at: My Affiliate Place or free tools, articles, ebooks, how to info, affiliate opportunities, travel and tech accessories, security software and computers for your home office or online business.
Blog and Internet Marketing Tips,
CSS spam,
what is CSS
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Cơ hội học thêm về cntt cho moi người
Triển khai khoá học CNTT miễn phí lần đầu tiên tại Tp. Hồ Chí Minh
Aprotrain-Aptech, 24/7/2007
Tháng 7/2007, Aptech khai trương trung tâm đào tạo Lập trình viên Quốc tế mới tại Tp Hồ Chí Minh – Trung tâm Đào tạo Lập trình viên Quốc tế Aprotrain-Aptech tại 212 – 214 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, Quận 3. Sự ra đời của Aprotrain-Aptech khẳng định cam kết của Aptech trong việc đào tạo và đóng góp nguồn nhân lực Công nghệ Thông tin chất lượng cao cho khu vực phía Nam.
Nhân dịp này, Aprotrain-Aptech sẽ tổ chức các khoá học Công nghệ Thông tin miễn phí có tên gọi Aptech Explorer dành những đối tượng yêu thích và mong muốn tìm hiểu công nghệ ứng dụng cho công việc và học tập.
Đây là sê-ri các khoá học miễn phí cập nhật kiến thức công nghệ cho cộng đồng được Aprotrain-Aptech thực hiện từ tháng 1/2006 tại cơ sở Hà Nội. Qua các lần tổ chức với hàng chục chủ đề khác nhau, chương trình đã thu hút sự quan tâm của hàng nghìn bạn trẻ đam mê công nghệ, đến từ các trường đại học, cao đẳng, phổ thông. Trong những buổi học này, học viên không chỉ được “nghe”, “xem” những công nghệ cập nhật mà sẽ được thực hành ngay những kiến thức mới.
Triển khai lần đầu tiên tại Tp Hồ Chí Minh, Aptech Explorer được bổ sung nhiều nội dung học đa dạng hơn, bao gồm:
Computer Inside – Giải phẫu máy tính
(9h00 27/7/2007 & 9h00 17/8/2007)
Các thành phần cơ bản của máy tính
Kinh nghiệm chọn máy Desktop & Laptop
Xử lý sự cố và tăng tốc máy tính
Powerful MS Word – Thành thạo phần mềm quan trọng nhất thế giới
(9h00 28/7/2007 & 9h00 18/8/2007)
Kiểm soát toàn diện nội dung với định dạng văn bản tự động
Biểu hiện cảm xúc của bạn trong MS Word
Thế giới các chức năng tiện ích của MS Word
Wi-Fi Network Security – Bảo vệ mạng không dây
(9h00 3/8/2007 & 9h00 21/8/2007)
Thiết lập mạng không dây (Wi-fi) trong gia đình
Cài đặt, cấu hình máy tính để kết nối mạng không dây
Bảo mật cho mạng không dây
Graphics Design – Thiết kế đồ họa cho website với Adobe Photoshop
(9h00 4/8/2007 & 9h00 24/8/2007)
Thao tác cơ bản trên Adobe Photoshop
Sử dụng Adobe Photoshop làm design cho web
Trình diễn một số hiệu ứng
Graphics Programming – Lập trình & Ứng dụng đồ họa
(9h00 8/8/2007 & 9h00 25/8/2007)
Các kiến thức cơ bản để lập trình đồ họa
Một số ứng dụng của lập trình đồ họa
Giới thiệu bộ thư viện OpenGL (trong C và Java)
Một số chương trình demo
Build your website with Dreamweaver – Xây dựng website với Dreamweaver
(9h00 9/8/2007 & 9h00 28/8/2007)
Các ứng dụng thú vị của Internet
Sử dụng Macromedia Dreamweaver để tạo website
Các bước cần thiết để đưa website lên internet
Aptech Explorer được đánh giá là chương trình không những mang ý nghĩa cộng đồng mà còn thể hiện khả năng “đón đầu công nghệ”. Đó cũng là phương châm đào tạo mà Aptech hướng tới: luôn đem đến những công nghệ cập nhật và tính ứng dụng thực tiễn cao.
Các bạn quan tâm đến đăng ký trực tiếp tại trung tâm (212-214 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, Quận 3, Tp Hồ Chí Minh) trước buổi học 01 ngày. Thông tin chi tiết liên hệ bộ phận Tư vấn theo số điện thoại: (08) 930 08 24 hoặc email:
Aprotrain-Aptech, 24/7/2007
Tháng 7/2007, Aptech khai trương trung tâm đào tạo Lập trình viên Quốc tế mới tại Tp Hồ Chí Minh – Trung tâm Đào tạo Lập trình viên Quốc tế Aprotrain-Aptech tại 212 – 214 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, Quận 3. Sự ra đời của Aprotrain-Aptech khẳng định cam kết của Aptech trong việc đào tạo và đóng góp nguồn nhân lực Công nghệ Thông tin chất lượng cao cho khu vực phía Nam.
Nhân dịp này, Aprotrain-Aptech sẽ tổ chức các khoá học Công nghệ Thông tin miễn phí có tên gọi Aptech Explorer dành những đối tượng yêu thích và mong muốn tìm hiểu công nghệ ứng dụng cho công việc và học tập.
Đây là sê-ri các khoá học miễn phí cập nhật kiến thức công nghệ cho cộng đồng được Aprotrain-Aptech thực hiện từ tháng 1/2006 tại cơ sở Hà Nội. Qua các lần tổ chức với hàng chục chủ đề khác nhau, chương trình đã thu hút sự quan tâm của hàng nghìn bạn trẻ đam mê công nghệ, đến từ các trường đại học, cao đẳng, phổ thông. Trong những buổi học này, học viên không chỉ được “nghe”, “xem” những công nghệ cập nhật mà sẽ được thực hành ngay những kiến thức mới.
Triển khai lần đầu tiên tại Tp Hồ Chí Minh, Aptech Explorer được bổ sung nhiều nội dung học đa dạng hơn, bao gồm:
Computer Inside – Giải phẫu máy tính
(9h00 27/7/2007 & 9h00 17/8/2007)
Các thành phần cơ bản của máy tính
Kinh nghiệm chọn máy Desktop & Laptop
Xử lý sự cố và tăng tốc máy tính
Powerful MS Word – Thành thạo phần mềm quan trọng nhất thế giới
(9h00 28/7/2007 & 9h00 18/8/2007)
Kiểm soát toàn diện nội dung với định dạng văn bản tự động
Biểu hiện cảm xúc của bạn trong MS Word
Thế giới các chức năng tiện ích của MS Word
Wi-Fi Network Security – Bảo vệ mạng không dây
(9h00 3/8/2007 & 9h00 21/8/2007)
Thiết lập mạng không dây (Wi-fi) trong gia đình
Cài đặt, cấu hình máy tính để kết nối mạng không dây
Bảo mật cho mạng không dây
Graphics Design – Thiết kế đồ họa cho website với Adobe Photoshop
(9h00 4/8/2007 & 9h00 24/8/2007)
Thao tác cơ bản trên Adobe Photoshop
Sử dụng Adobe Photoshop làm design cho web
Trình diễn một số hiệu ứng
Graphics Programming – Lập trình & Ứng dụng đồ họa
(9h00 8/8/2007 & 9h00 25/8/2007)
Các kiến thức cơ bản để lập trình đồ họa
Một số ứng dụng của lập trình đồ họa
Giới thiệu bộ thư viện OpenGL (trong C và Java)
Một số chương trình demo
Build your website with Dreamweaver – Xây dựng website với Dreamweaver
(9h00 9/8/2007 & 9h00 28/8/2007)
Các ứng dụng thú vị của Internet
Sử dụng Macromedia Dreamweaver để tạo website
Các bước cần thiết để đưa website lên internet
Aptech Explorer được đánh giá là chương trình không những mang ý nghĩa cộng đồng mà còn thể hiện khả năng “đón đầu công nghệ”. Đó cũng là phương châm đào tạo mà Aptech hướng tới: luôn đem đến những công nghệ cập nhật và tính ứng dụng thực tiễn cao.
Các bạn quan tâm đến đăng ký trực tiếp tại trung tâm (212-214 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, Quận 3, Tp Hồ Chí Minh) trước buổi học 01 ngày. Thông tin chi tiết liên hệ bộ phận Tư vấn theo số điện thoại: (08) 930 08 24 hoặc email:
Friday, July 20, 2007
Newbies and the SEO Lingo
Since I've had articles regarding SEO, I was rather amiss in not letting those new to SEO to have an intro into the SEO Lingo. When I first started, and I heard the word SEO or Search Engine Optimization I wondered what I had gotten myself into. You may be wondering the same. But don't ignore the process, learn what you can in stages, and apply what you learn.
What's most important to the search engines? Quality content should be your base.
I've written an article called "SEO Lingo" that gives you a little lingo, and what some of the search engines look at when they visit your site. Once you got the lingo, go back and look at some of the other available articles on my site, or within this blog to help you with the SEO process.
SEO Lingo
By Vickie J. Scanlon
For the newbie, SEO is well, new, strange or difficult to get a handle on. You may even say to yourself, why do I need this. I just want a website to make money. Right. The answer is simple. You need it to attract the search engines or you will not make money. So what is the lingo, and what is SEO?
SEO is the process by which you help the search engines find your site, as well as, determine what your site is about. How do you do that? Some of the pieces you need is the domain name, the title, keywords, meta tags, alt attributes and content.
The search engines use an "Algorithm" - which is simply a set of instructions to follow in determining the importance of the web page, and other niceties, such as page rank.
Page Rank
Page rank is determined by the number and the quantity of inbound links coming into your site. If your web page or pages are relevant to other webmasters, then the search engines will reward you for it, with a higher rank. Sounds easy, but the weight of the rank can be diminished if a site that is not all that relevant to your site, links to you.
Algorithms and the Human Factor
Many webmasters in the past had been very inventive at work-arounds with the search engines algorithms -- thus pushing their websites up to the front of the line in search engine ranking. But that is a-changing, Google has made their algorithms a little more unpredictable, making it more difficult for webmasters to predict what technique would work to get the ranking.
But Google has pushed the envelope, so to speak, and has gone a little farther. They are now beginning to approach it from more with the eyes of a human viewer. Granted there are still bugs-and you still see on occasional website that may have some irrelevant data - but it's getting better.
Other Lingo
Meta tags- A meta tag is a tag that is a general-purpose tag. It's used between the "head" portion of the web page.
Keywords- keywords are specific words that identify what your web page is about. Keywords should be within the body of the copy and with the meta keyword tag and title tag.
Title- Identifies the page. If you want the search engines to find you, do not leave the title tag blank, or place your Company name in the tag, unless it is relevant, or leave it as Home Page.
One final note: The meta tags, such as the title tag, keyword tag, and description tag, should be after the head tag, but before the ending head tag.
So what's the bottom line.
The bottom line is this. Yes, meta tags, keywords, title, and domain name are important. But your content is just as, or more important. If the content is not relevant to the keywords, tags,
title, etc. then you're not going to get a ranking by the search engines.
To conclude, know the lingo, and you have a third of the battle won. The other two-thirds requires work on your part and, a commitment to quality content.
About The Author:
Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at: My Affiliate Place for free tools, articles,ebooks, how to info, affiliate opportunities, travel and tech accessories, security software and computers for your home office or online business.
What's most important to the search engines? Quality content should be your base.
I've written an article called "SEO Lingo" that gives you a little lingo, and what some of the search engines look at when they visit your site. Once you got the lingo, go back and look at some of the other available articles on my site, or within this blog to help you with the SEO process.
SEO Lingo
By Vickie J. Scanlon
For the newbie, SEO is well, new, strange or difficult to get a handle on. You may even say to yourself, why do I need this. I just want a website to make money. Right. The answer is simple. You need it to attract the search engines or you will not make money. So what is the lingo, and what is SEO?
SEO is the process by which you help the search engines find your site, as well as, determine what your site is about. How do you do that? Some of the pieces you need is the domain name, the title, keywords, meta tags, alt attributes and content.
The search engines use an "Algorithm" - which is simply a set of instructions to follow in determining the importance of the web page, and other niceties, such as page rank.
Page Rank
Page rank is determined by the number and the quantity of inbound links coming into your site. If your web page or pages are relevant to other webmasters, then the search engines will reward you for it, with a higher rank. Sounds easy, but the weight of the rank can be diminished if a site that is not all that relevant to your site, links to you.
Algorithms and the Human Factor
Many webmasters in the past had been very inventive at work-arounds with the search engines algorithms -- thus pushing their websites up to the front of the line in search engine ranking. But that is a-changing, Google has made their algorithms a little more unpredictable, making it more difficult for webmasters to predict what technique would work to get the ranking.
But Google has pushed the envelope, so to speak, and has gone a little farther. They are now beginning to approach it from more with the eyes of a human viewer. Granted there are still bugs-and you still see on occasional website that may have some irrelevant data - but it's getting better.
Other Lingo
Meta tags- A meta tag is a tag that is a general-purpose tag. It's used between the "head" portion of the web page.
Keywords- keywords are specific words that identify what your web page is about. Keywords should be within the body of the copy and with the meta keyword tag and title tag.
Title- Identifies the page. If you want the search engines to find you, do not leave the title tag blank, or place your Company name in the tag, unless it is relevant, or leave it as Home Page.
One final note: The meta tags, such as the title tag, keyword tag, and description tag, should be after the head tag, but before the ending head tag.
So what's the bottom line.
The bottom line is this. Yes, meta tags, keywords, title, and domain name are important. But your content is just as, or more important. If the content is not relevant to the keywords, tags,
title, etc. then you're not going to get a ranking by the search engines.
To conclude, know the lingo, and you have a third of the battle won. The other two-thirds requires work on your part and, a commitment to quality content.
About The Author:
Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at: My Affiliate Place for free tools, articles,ebooks, how to info, affiliate opportunities, travel and tech accessories, security software and computers for your home office or online business.
Blog and Internet Marketing Tips,
meta tags,
SEO lingo
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Do bots have manners?
Do bots have manners? Yes and No. There are good bots and bad bots. It is the bad bots that may be an issue, if they don't mind their manners. The bad bots can enter your site and steal your bandwidth, traffic, email addresses, content, and possibly hijack a web page. But how do you address these issues?
With my article "Behind the Scenes with Bots Manners" you can get the details on how to save yourself a lot of frustration when you're trying to figure out what is happening to your traffic. It's may be a gradual trickle, then as your website becomes known, you 'll eventually get a major slowdown. Or, you may have the people that maintain your server give you a heads-up that your traffic is being stolen.
Please note: In some cases a bad bot is a subjective view. If you have limited bandwidth you do have to determine which bots can stay and which must go. Of course, the content scrapers, email harvesters and web page hijackers, are rather obvious bad bots that can steal your money. Learn from my article how you can help your server control the bots.
Behind the Scenes with Bots Manners
Do bots have manners? You may be saying to yourself, "I really don't care if bots have manners". But you should. Why? If they behave badly, you are the recipient of lost bandwidth, traffic, or content and email. But there are some ways in which you can keep search engine bots honest. How, you ask? It is the .htaccess file, the robots.txt file and the meta tag that can save your traffic, content and email from being stolen or abused. The first two, are simple text files, and the last, a line of code that direct all or specific bots that enter the web page, to follow your set rules. READ MORE...
With my article "Behind the Scenes with Bots Manners" you can get the details on how to save yourself a lot of frustration when you're trying to figure out what is happening to your traffic. It's may be a gradual trickle, then as your website becomes known, you 'll eventually get a major slowdown. Or, you may have the people that maintain your server give you a heads-up that your traffic is being stolen.
Please note: In some cases a bad bot is a subjective view. If you have limited bandwidth you do have to determine which bots can stay and which must go. Of course, the content scrapers, email harvesters and web page hijackers, are rather obvious bad bots that can steal your money. Learn from my article how you can help your server control the bots.
Behind the Scenes with Bots Manners
Do bots have manners? You may be saying to yourself, "I really don't care if bots have manners". But you should. Why? If they behave badly, you are the recipient of lost bandwidth, traffic, or content and email. But there are some ways in which you can keep search engine bots honest. How, you ask? It is the .htaccess file, the robots.txt file and the meta tag that can save your traffic, content and email from being stolen or abused. The first two, are simple text files, and the last, a line of code that direct all or specific bots that enter the web page, to follow your set rules. READ MORE...
Sunday, July 8, 2007
One of the closest people to me ever died on May 2nd, 1999. His name was BIGGA B. He was my cousin and biggest supporter as an emcee. Bigga was responsible for giving Khalil and I the confidencce to try and do this shit. He introduced the West Coast to The Liks, Wu-Tang, Xzibit, and many more, he got us signed to LOUD. Bigga died on the road with my friend and fellow emcee Bad Azz. When he died his son Josiah was only 18 months old. I made a vow to Bigga that if anything ever happened to him I would look out for his son as best as I could. Time flies...this December Josiah will be 10 years old...I wish BIGGA could see his son.....Josiah is so much like him it gives me goosebumps to watch him...Rest In Peace my nigga, we miss you G, but through your son live...ladies and gentleman let me introduce you to BIGGA J, son of a legend!!

Saturday, July 7, 2007
More on SEO and Bots
SEO and the bots? What do you mean. SEO and SEM encourage the bots to visit your site. Which you do want. But you also need to realize that with the good comes the bad. The good bots behaves nicely on your site. But the bad bots, can scrape your site, harvest your emails, steal your traffic and hog your bandwidth. So how can you make, or try to make the bots behave nicely on your site? Through behind the scene programs that instruct the bots on how to behave.
My article "SEO and the Good and Bad Search Engines" gives you an intro of setting your site up to protect yourself from the bad bots and to encourage the good bots to enter. But remember, a bad bot can be defined differently by a webmaster. But if you find your traffic suddenly disappearing and it's not due to any changes in how Google, Yahoo or MSN are spidering your site, then just maybe, you may have some bad bots stealing your hard work.
SEO and the Good and Bad Search Engines
By Vickie Scanlon
SEO is always a work-in-progress-and one that should be learned. Most people know about putting keywords in their content, and making their meta tags available and relevant to the content. But is there anything else to consider. Of course! You need to make your site search engine friendly, as well as, safe against the bad search engines.
SEO and Robots.txt and .htaccess
When the search engines crawl your site, they will check into your robots.txt file -- seeing if they have permission to enter your site, as well as, seeing what pages they should not index.
In addition, the robots.txt file will help you to tell certain friendly search engines not to enter specific pages that you do not want indexed. Then there are other search engines that do not follow the rules, hog precious bandwidth, and possibly steal your traffic. Yes there are friendly (good) robots and bad robots. So what do you do with the bad robots that don't obey the robots.txt file?
You should set up a .htaccess file to instruct the bad search engines to stay away. Some bad bots have no manners, and will take all your website has to offer, be it, your emails, images, content and traffic.
So, how do you get the bad robots to stop? You can utilize the .htaccess file to block the bad search engines from entering your site.
Sounds easy, but remember, the bad search engines will use different names to crawl your site, so you have to be ever vigilant - if you don't want to lose traffic. If you're not familiar with the .htaccess file or how to set it up -- go to Clockwatcher's for a nice tutorial on the subject.
SEO and Your Site Map
A site map is really important if you have a large site. Why? If a search engine has
a difficult time crawling your site, they will look to your site map for help. It's nice that they have another alternative to getting your site completely indexed.
SEO and Alt Tags
Make sure that you label your images. By using the alt tag within your html code for your images, you can tell the search engine what the image is about. Although you may know about the alt tag, sometimes, I included, have a tendency to forget to utilize it. Not only does the alt tag help the search engines to identify what is on your web page and what the image is about, but it also helps those that are blind.
To conclude, although keywords and content are extremely important, so are the mechanics of keeping your site search engine friendly and protected. Small sites may feel they do not need to protect their content. But if you have any ranking at all, the search engines will seek you out, good and the bad. And it is the bad search engines that can steal your content your traffic, and your bandwidth. So, don't ignore or fear the robots.txt and .htaccess process, your website can take a hit that can cost you money.
Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at: My Affiliate Place for free tools, articles,ebooks, how to info, affiliate opportunities, travel and tech accessories, security software and computers for your home office or online business.
My article "SEO and the Good and Bad Search Engines" gives you an intro of setting your site up to protect yourself from the bad bots and to encourage the good bots to enter. But remember, a bad bot can be defined differently by a webmaster. But if you find your traffic suddenly disappearing and it's not due to any changes in how Google, Yahoo or MSN are spidering your site, then just maybe, you may have some bad bots stealing your hard work.
SEO and the Good and Bad Search Engines
By Vickie Scanlon
SEO is always a work-in-progress-and one that should be learned. Most people know about putting keywords in their content, and making their meta tags available and relevant to the content. But is there anything else to consider. Of course! You need to make your site search engine friendly, as well as, safe against the bad search engines.
SEO and Robots.txt and .htaccess
When the search engines crawl your site, they will check into your robots.txt file -- seeing if they have permission to enter your site, as well as, seeing what pages they should not index.
In addition, the robots.txt file will help you to tell certain friendly search engines not to enter specific pages that you do not want indexed. Then there are other search engines that do not follow the rules, hog precious bandwidth, and possibly steal your traffic. Yes there are friendly (good) robots and bad robots. So what do you do with the bad robots that don't obey the robots.txt file?
You should set up a .htaccess file to instruct the bad search engines to stay away. Some bad bots have no manners, and will take all your website has to offer, be it, your emails, images, content and traffic.
So, how do you get the bad robots to stop? You can utilize the .htaccess file to block the bad search engines from entering your site.
Sounds easy, but remember, the bad search engines will use different names to crawl your site, so you have to be ever vigilant - if you don't want to lose traffic. If you're not familiar with the .htaccess file or how to set it up -- go to Clockwatcher's for a nice tutorial on the subject.
SEO and Your Site Map
A site map is really important if you have a large site. Why? If a search engine has
a difficult time crawling your site, they will look to your site map for help. It's nice that they have another alternative to getting your site completely indexed.
SEO and Alt Tags
Make sure that you label your images. By using the alt tag within your html code for your images, you can tell the search engine what the image is about. Although you may know about the alt tag, sometimes, I included, have a tendency to forget to utilize it. Not only does the alt tag help the search engines to identify what is on your web page and what the image is about, but it also helps those that are blind.
To conclude, although keywords and content are extremely important, so are the mechanics of keeping your site search engine friendly and protected. Small sites may feel they do not need to protect their content. But if you have any ranking at all, the search engines will seek you out, good and the bad. And it is the bad search engines that can steal your content your traffic, and your bandwidth. So, don't ignore or fear the robots.txt and .htaccess process, your website can take a hit that can cost you money.
Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at: My Affiliate Place for free tools, articles,ebooks, how to info, affiliate opportunities, travel and tech accessories, security software and computers for your home office or online business.
bad bots,
Blog and Internet Marketing Tips,
good bots,
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Moving Blogs Between Accounts
They have finally made it possible to move will..between accounts. Now I'm not going to create more accounts to give you a show and tell but my Blog*Star buddy Chuck has a post with a lot of pictures!!
The steps are relatively easy!
First...with Google, set up the second account where you want to transfer the blog.
1.) From your Dashboard, go to Settings, then to the far right tab called Permissions.
2.) As the original administrator of the blog, invite the second account to be a blog member using the email address of the new account.
3.) Log into the second mail account and accept the invitation.
4.) As the original Administrator, make sure both accounts are "Administrators"...just click on the button that says guest and it will change to Administrator.
5.) Click "Remove" for the account that you want to delete. The account that is left is now the administrator.
6.) Log in with the new account and the blog will be on your Dashboard with full administrative access. Voila!
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